Tantric Kiss

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After my performance Zack carried me off. We kiss our way to his office. He sits me down, only breaking the kiss to lock the door. My body is alight with the possibilities of what's to come.
He walks over to me and stands between my legs,"Maddie is this what you were nervous about earlier?"
"Yes, and I told you why."
He smirks,"And I told you to do what you wanted. Now I plan to take my own advice." He gazed into my eyes and caressed my cheek.
I began to burn for him to will his touch to caress all parts of my body. I throbbed and tingled for this man. I just can't help it. My body craves him.
He ran his thumb across my swollen trembling bottom lip. He leaned in and kissed me. His lips crashed onto mine like waves meeting the shore. This kiss was hot and firm, surges of desire meet languid control. All I could hear was the beating of our hearts and the staggering of our breath.
The passion, the heat, the desire, the electricity, the longing, it was all there in this mind altering kiss. I just couldn't keep from being consumed by it. His hands pulled me closer as mine did the same. It's as if we were trying to share the same body.
I'm not sure how long we kissed, but we came up starving for air. I'm panting, wanting, and absolutely breathless. I'm intoxicated by this man.
He tucked my hair behind my ear as he pressed his forehead to mine,"As much as I'd love to continue this, we should head back. Here isn't where I want to have you for the first time."
Wow is this man real? No one would turndown an office tryst, no one but him apparently. He informs me that we can continue this when we get home. Well alright, I'll play along.
I inform him that I might need persuaded later. He just chuckles and turns his back to me. He tells me to hop onto his back, so I do.
I move his hair and rest my head by his. We are both laughing as we make our way to the VIP. I haven't done anything like this in years. The last time was when Lynn's fake fiancée, Hunter Smith, came to town. He took Kiki as his partner and challenged Bart and I to a chicken fight. God it was fun. As we go through the doors I say,"All I'm missing now is my crop."
Zack says,"You're insatiable."
"Be happy, you've not even seen the half of it yet"
Bart says,"It's about time that someone made use of the rooms besides me."
I just laugh and roll my eyes. Zack growls as he sits me down by the bar.
I address Bart and Kiki who are teasing me about Zack,"At least I'm not some rabid bunny like the both of you."
Kiki says,"Such a missed opportunity." And Bart agrees with her. I just shake my head and make Zack and I a drink.
As soon as I sit it in front of him he asks,"So what is it?"
"I call it Passion on the Beach. It's like a sex on the beach but way more intensely satisfying. Providing the offer from earlier still stands."
I can't help being bold. I know what I want, and now that I've had a taste I want more.
He says,"You're not going to make the rest of the night easy are you?"
"Nothing about me is easy."
We share a laugh, but it's so true. Would I have had sex with him in his office? Yes...yes I would've especially after that kiss. But I'm glad we didn't because I have a sneaking suspicion that once we finally do, we won't be going anywhere anytime soon. It'll be more than worth the wait.
We sit and chat. I give my tips to Kiki and Niki because my salary is more than enough for me now.
I tell them that I'm going to video call Lynn.

Lynn Swan, Future Queen of Sagare and one of my best friends

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Lynn Swan, Future Queen of Sagare and one of my best friends

Levi Price, Crown Prince of Sagare my estranged cousin and Lynn's future husband

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Levi Price, Crown Prince of Sagare my estranged cousin and Lynn's future husband

"Hey guys!"
Lynn says,"Hey hoe it's been ages."
I laugh,"Don't I know it Dancing Whore."
Lynn laughs,"Fuck I haven't heard that in eons."
Jake says,"If that's how the queen talks, then you're going to fit right in sugar."
"Oh you best get to bowing Jakey or I can always get a royal decree issued."
Lynn says,"I'll so do it. Maddie have everyone introduce themselves so I'll know who needs put in front of my firing squad."
Levi chimes in,"My queen I thought it was our firing squad? But who do I need to send Randy and Luther after?"
I giggle,"You both are just alike."
Lynn says,"Like you wouldn't put Adam in front of eight rifles?"
"Actually I wouldn't. I have plans of a far more personal nature, if he tries to take me from the life I choose. I plan to show him what owning someone piece by piece is really like."
Levi says,"Holy shit cuz, you're a beast."
I smirk,"Only when provoked."
Zack just chuckles. I know Zack wants to say something so I say,"Speak my inexplicable incubus."
Reed says as he's losing it,"That's.. Fuck that's"
Everyone busts out in laughter.
Lynn teases,"Well you only do nicknames for those you like or love, but I want in. So introduce everyone and explain my seductress of samba."
I just laugh. "Well the first voice you heard was Jake Jones, he's Zack's right hand and buddy. Say hi Jakey."
He says,"Hi Jakey." So I chuck an ice cube at him. I say,"Next time it'll be my blade my saccharine jester."
Kiki introduced herself next. I say,"She's my hoe."
Lynn says,"The Maryann to my Ginger." Levi asks if she's adventurous. As it turned out Tina had become more reserved since joining Court. So Kiki said she'd help Tina rediscover how much fun sinning is. I really do love my hoe.
We joke about my car and her playlist. I know the royals are going to have a blast.
Next Bart introduced himself and Lynn couldn't help but tease him about chasing skirts snd how good I look out of them. Good lord, I so don't need this to give Zack any ideas. Lynn thanked him for helping me learn some self defense.
Ryan introduced himself and informed them that he'd work with their Royal Guard. Somehow Luther gets brought into the conversation so I tellLynn that Gran called him tall, dark, and handsome. I swear Gran has a bit of a crush on Luther.
Then I introduce Reed as my Dark and Stormy and as Zack's business partner. Lynn said that she'd done her research on what devastation the Kingsley's did to these guys, and that she'll aid in their extermination.
Reed can't help but remark at how similar Lynn and I are despite me being related to Levi. He does have a point. Because Lynn and I haven't seen each other in years yet our hair and makeup is very similar.
"I'm Zack, but you already know."
Lynn says,"Yes as we already looked into you. Now explain the names."
I laugh,"Well when Zack and I first met he never gave me a name. So I just kept making up names for him until he finally told me at the end of the night. He'd also taken my phone earlier in the night and went through it. He put a version of his name into my phone. Now I just tease for fun."
Lynn of course has to pry into my love life. Ugh! I know she wants me happy like her, but I still don't know if it's possible for me.
Lynn asks if I did the performance and how it went. I blush. I see her smirk. She looks at Zack.
He says,"I'd say it went extremely well." God he's so cocky sometimes.
Lynn demands a video of it and Bart just all too eagerly sends it.
I yell,"Just ignore the ending. My emotions augmented it."
Lynn just grins devilishly,"All the better. Maddie you will make this work!"
My eyes go wide and I look at Zack. He just grins,"Oddly enough Gran said the same thing."
Levi says,"Cuz you know nothing is coincidence. This is fate and you'd best follow her path."
Then Zack and I start naming off all of the things we have in common. And it's a lot.
Lynn says,"Maddie you stay out of your head and no bolting. Which song did she turnoff because I know she's had to, Zack?"
He says,"Lady in Red."
Lynn yells,"You tell that man tonight!"
Then Levi informs her that they must dress for dinner. So we say our goodbyes.
Jake is surprised that they're nothing like he thought. He's pleasantly surprised to say the least. I think everyone now is looking forward to meeting them.
We discuss security measures and Lynn's fighting skills. We get a pretty good plan in place.
I leave to go change into something more comfortable and on the way back, I feel someone pull my hair and not in a good way. I react on instinct to loosen the grip. I lose a few of my long locks but I break free. I spin and throw a punch. To my surprise I connect with a familiar face.

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