Chapter Two

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The Weekends POV:

I'm currently hanging out in the commons room late at night. I have an exam to do tomorrow, but since it's Green's class I already know I'm not going to pass. I was hanging out with Selena Gomez and Harrilina Styles. We talked about our days, and then Justin Bieber joined along with the conversation.

"So Weekend, 2nd year huh? It felt like 1st year was yesterday," Justin took a sip of his tea and sat next to the green couch.

"Pretty weird huh, felt like this was yesterday!" I said back.

Fox news started to play on the TV above the fireplace. This is the only the outside source we have of the world. Currently, Donald Trump was put back in jail, but the Liberals are now going to be put away from office positions, and will be only handle by Republican Rep. Mitch McConnell. I could care less about the news anyways, we aren't in the general population. We live in Hogwarts, completely far away from people in the normal world.

A thought kept creeping back into my mind, Dante. No one knows this, but I'm Bisexual. I like both men and women, and I have for some time now. Ever since I was a little kid, I would have guy crushes at school, and then I would like girls at the same time. I was confused at the same time, but after taking a online quiz on BuzzFeed, things started to clear up a bit.

Dante, is he straight though? He doesn't look like he's straight. Doesn't matter, I looked at the time, and it was too late. It was almost 3am, and doesn't want to be grumpy when awake in the morning.

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Dante's POV

Today was my first day of school after the tour of campus, I sit in the back of the class and wait for my professor to start the lesson. We are going to learn about the basic of making spells, and safety precautions before we start doing anything. This is also the first day we get our wands, and a lesson about how to properly take care of them.

Everyone was chatting about their houses, and talking about their new friends they made. If only it was this easy. I was pretty upset about that, but at least I know I'm in the same boat as everyone else. Everyone went quiet when the professor walked in.

"Hello class! today we are getting out wands today, but before we start passing them out we need to go over safety precaution."

The Professor went over safety measures and passed out the wands. I got a long brown stick, with snake carvings around the handle of the stick. We where told not to break these because unicorn hair is hard to come by. It felt weird holding it, but I was very excited to learn all the new tricks and magic that I can do.

"Anyways an Introduction of me! My name is Professor Lisa, I will teach you about Electro element. When I was younger and took care of the library from Mondstadt I battled with the Knights. Now I've retired and started teaching here. Anyways..." Professor Lisa went on rambling.

We learned about Electro, and then other elements. Eventually bell rang, and we left the classroom to go to the next period. During passing period, I saw my friends Ashley and Matt making out in the lockers.

"HEY! We are in public you whores!" I yelled at Ashley and Matt.

They giggled and brushed it off.

"So how was Professor Lisa? We had Diluc and he was awesome!" Ashley added to the conversation.

We had a conversation about our professor, and then a shy blonde girl walked into our conversation.

"Hey Ashley, do you have the notes Diluc gave to us?" The mystery girl asked.

"Oh hey Jai! Also yeah, I'll send them through your email" Ashley replied.

The Jai girl seems interesting, and she eventually ran off with other girls after finishing talking to her. I took out my books from the locker, and went off to my next period. I got my class right in time, and placed my books on the table. This class was chemistry, and we are going to learn how to make potions.

My next classes where the same, and eventually it was time for lunch. I packed my stuff from the desk to my satchel, and walked too the great hall. I walked through the long corridors, and examine the campus even more. Most of them had grand designs carved into the curved walls, with art from romans. I turned to the left, and walked into the door of the Great Hall.

Ashley and Matt where no way to be found, so I assumed they where making out in their dorm rooms. I tried to find Grace, but she was also no where to be found, so I tried finding an empty table to sit at and eat my lunch. The Weekend walked up behind me, and tapped my shoulders.

"Hey, do you wanna sit at my table?" He asked.

My heart started to pound, and I eventually fell harder for The Weekend. I was confused though, How can I love someone who is not my type? Am I just desperate for some love because my parents aren't here? I said yes anyways, and moved to his table to sit at.

I was surprised to see my friend Grace there, and she was talking to Jai, the girl I ran to during passing period. A boy had her arm wrapped around her, and two people that looked like him sat next to him. They where talking about funny stories about home.

"Hello! Dante right?" said Jai.

"Yeah my name is Dante," I replied.

They grinned at me and continued to talk about their personal lives. I awkwardly ate my food, and looked down at my plate. I felt a tap on my shoulders, and it was The Weekend. He left the table for bit because he needed to use the bathroom and talk to someone else.

"Hey yo, how are you doing being new here," The Weekend asked.

My throat felt clogged, and my face was heating up. My hands became shaky, and my body was shivering. I never felt weird about a person before.

"Yeah, It's new, I've never been to a boarding school before." I replied to his question.

"Yeah I know, it is weird. I've never thought I would end up here. Anyways you want to hang out later? My friends are busy with band practice, and I don't want to be in my dorm bored learning about Green's lessons" The Weekend grinned at me.

I felt myself blush at the offer, and I said yes. Ashely and Matt are completely gone because they're in other houses, so we have different classes. I needed new friends anyways.

"Well meet me outside the common room, I know some areas we can hang out at"

Oh god, I think I'm not straight. I feel myself excited for this hangout, and I usually never agree to hanging out. This time though, I couldn't get myself to say no. I felt like I would be missing gold if I said no. My sexuality is killing my brain and is more confusing than Lisa's lesson.

"See Ya There!"

I think I love him...

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