Chapter Eight

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Authors Note: Hi everyone! This is going to be a short and simple chapter. I'm out of town right now and I'm using my phone to write which is pretty hard for me. I'll be back on Monday. XO

Also I would recommend putting the song on while reading this. It adds to the experience.

Dante's POV:

Everything with The Weeknd and I is going smoothly. We would hang in the common room late at night, and sneak out into the Forbidden Forest. I started to enjoy my time with him even more. I loved everything he did for me. I wore the shirt he gave me at Hot Topic to sleep because I wanted to dream about him.

Tonight was going to be special. He wanted me to meet me in the common room like last time, but told me to bring out my broomstick. He was going to fly me around Hogwarts, and sleep on the roofs of the castle.

For the special date, he wanted me to dress best as possible. I threw on blue jeans cuffed at the bottom, A belt to keep me from sagging, and a plain white sweater. I looked pretty basic, but happy on how my outfit turned out. I styled my hair how I usually would by keeping it messy. I did some last minute touches on my outfit, and threw on my Air Force Nikes.

I walked out of my dorm, and see The Weeknd. He was wearing a sparkling green tux with a gold chain around his neck. He wore dress shoes and black dress pants. He finished it off with circular grey sunglasses, and styled his hair naturally.

"You look nice," The Weeknd complimented.

I blushed hard red again, and walked outside the common rooms together.

When we where outside, he put his broom between his legs, and got himself off the ground.

"Why?" I asked

"Trust the process!" He answered.

I got on my broom, and got myself out of the ground. He smiled and held my hand. The next thing you know, I was zooming away in the hallways.

The breezed filled my hair, and was pushing it back. The hallways passed by, and everything was motioned blurred. I couldn't focus on anything besides him holding my hand while flying through the hallways. He looked back at me and smiled in enjoyment. I smiled back and we turned left.

There was a open window on top of the roof of the tower. He led me out, and we were welcomed with the night sky and sparking stars. I was in awe at the night of Hogwarts. Northern lights poured down on the sky, and displayed pretty colors while dancing around. The breeze sent goosebumps to my skin, and the twinkling night sky complimented Weeknd's face.

We landed on the roof of one of the towers. We sat down. The Weeknd took out a box from his pocket.

"This is for you," He handed me the box.

I opened the box, and was revealed to a chain. At the middle of the chain, there was a pendant that was shape as a flower. It was colored green, to represent the house we were in. Inside the color green, there was blue glitter adding to the affect of the shine of the pendant. I removed it from its container, and the chains where decorated with blue jewels. I've never held anything more expensive and materialistic than this.

"Thank you, it's so beautiful" I cried.

"I want you to wear it, I was about to give this to my old girlfriend from Canada, but you know things didn't work out. I want you to keep it because it's special to me. You're special to me," He grinned and put the chain on for me.

He put his arm around me, and I snuggled against his chest. I placed my head gently on his shoulder, and admired the view of the night sky. Stars where falling from the skies and the breeze of the air swam around my face. I felt the cold breeze hit my face, and added the feeling of relaxation being with him.

I've never been in more love than now. When I was younger I use to sneak out of my roof to admire the night sky. I never thought I would admire it with someone I really loved, and I wanted the night to last forever. The night was young, and so is us. I never felt more happier than now.

I thought about home, I thought about the cookies my mom baked, the workdays I would go to with my dad. I remember the old elementary school were me and my friends would play DND.

I looked down to see my pendant sparkling brightly to the night sky. I smiled and turned to my boyfriend. He was grinning to himself, and admiring the night sky with me.

The crescent moon was our only light source, but I was able to see most of Hogwarts down here. The Forbidden Forest was across miles away from the castle from where we were sitting. The mountains hugged the school around us, and the fog closed off visibility from muggles.

"Hey, you should try these on," The Weeknd passed me his sunglasses.

"Why? It's night out," I said

"Trust me,"

He put on his glasses on my face, and the night shined brighter and beautifully. I never thought it would get any better.

The stars didn't also just dance, but the flew all over the sky. The sky turned purple, and the clouds swayed from the sky. The trees moved side to side gently, and the northern lights shined brighter.

I removed them and gave them back to Weeknd.

"These glasses are magic I swear, they make everything ten times prettier," He muffled.

"How about me?" I asked.

"No difference, you look beautiful without."

I giggled again, and felt butterflies go to my stomach and then to my throat. I coughed it out, and looked at him again.

The moonlight and northern lights colored his skin lilac purple. His eyes shined bright blue, and his smile reflected the same colors as the northern lights. I caught myself staring at him again, and I couldn't stop myself.

The Weeknd dragged my body down to a laying position. He laid next to me, and leaned close to my face. He caressed my cheek, and lifted my chin up with his index and middle finger. He brought his lips closer to mine, and we passionately kissed.

Fireworks sparked into my head and stomach. I threw my hands around him shoulders and neck, and he started to French kiss me.

Heat all over my body exploded, and the butterfly feelings turned into a mob in my stomach. I grabbed his hair, and he grabbed mine. We made out under the stars, and after a couple of minutes of making out we pulled apart to catch our breath.

"Am I hard to love Dante?" He asked.

"No never, not at all" I plead.

"You aren't either, I love you for you," He smiled.

He lay next to me, and I shifted my body next to him. I placed my head on his chest, and bury myself into his scent. I smelled his rose pedals and strawberries. His lavender scent filled my nose, and I eventually fell asleep to his heart beat.

We fell asleep while the stars looked out for us.

Authors Note: Ahh!! That was so cute right! Anyways thank you for the support and make sure to vote for this. I would really appreciate it <3

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