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Aishh!!why he has to come back!!"- ammu said bumping into table infront of her tae came towards them and sat infront of ammu looking at her.

Don't mention that bro!!"- tae said turning to namjoon,"by the way my name is Kim namjoon nice to meet you!"- namjoon said offering his hand,"I'm Kim taehyung!!nice to meet you bro!!"- tae said shaking his hand

Are you studying or what??"- namjoon questioned,"I came here for what I left!!"- tae said gazing at ammu

What do you mean??"- namjoon said looking at namjoon again,"it's a very long story!! I'll tell you later!!by the way I joined mr.Yang's college recently"- tae said

What!!"- both ammu and namjoon shocked by hearing,"we are from the same college!!which class!!"- namjoon questioned

Class 2!!"- tae said"daebak!!we are from same class bro!!"- namjoon said excitedly,"I know!!"- tae said smirking at ammu who is glaring at him like she is gonna burn him with her eyes

I'll get going you guys can carry on!!"- ammu said standing from her seat and walking towards exit"wait let me drop you!!"- namjoon shouted,"with bicycle!!no need I'll go Myself!!"- ammu said laughing,"yahh!!why are you laughing at me??"- namjoon whined,"because you don't have driving license!!"- ammu said sticking her tongue out

Yahh!! I'll beat you!!"- namjoon stood up as ammu runned from there"see you tomorrow!!"- ammu said before disappearing from there, namjoon laughed at her and went back to sit to finish his drink

Are you both seeing each other??"- tae asked being curious,"what!!nope!!why?"- namjoon questioned

I never seen her like this with anyone before!!"- tae said,"you know her before??"- namjoon asked and then tae said everything what happened in past,"do you know why she not interested in love??"- namjoon asked

"Nope!!"- tae replied,"it's ok bro I'll help you with her!!"- namjoon said winking at him gaining a chuckle from tae , thanks dude!!"- tae said as they both spent that evening chit chatting with each other

Meanwhile Vidya and Deepu reached at mall,"Vidya why did you said me lie to my oppa??"- Deepu asked,"didn't you said that you has a crush on suga!!and you said that you think  he has crush on you too!!"- Vidya questioned

"Yes!!I said you how he helped me with bully's and he said he likes to help what he loves!!"- Deepu said

"Exactly!!you have to look good if you want him to like you!! that's why we are here to buy something to you!!"- Vidya said dragging Deepu with her

Meanwhile suga and jhope went into the mall,"bro don't you think that you are doing wrong!!"- jhope said,"I don't care!!I just want y/n to love me!!I can do anything for it!!"- suga said parking his car and getting off of the car

"But why are we here??"- jhope asked in confusion,"i heard that to make a girl fall in love they expect costly gifts or jewels so I'm here to buy her something!!"- said suga entering the mall

Look!!can you show what girls like most!!"- suga asked a employee there without any facial expression,"it's about her taste how she looks like sir!!"- that employee asked

"Her height is this much!!(he said gesturing to his shoulder showing her height) fluffy cheeks,cute girl!!what cute girls like??"- suga said as employee laughed at him

"What's so funny??"- suga said annoying,"I can say that she is a cute probably she will like make-up products cute things!!"- employee said,"then take me there!!"- suga said as employee nod and left to make-up store with suga, jhope following

Deepu and Vidya were trying lipsticks,"try this!!"- Vidya said giving her a peach shade lipgloss. "How many lipsticks are you going to make me try?? surly they will throw us out of the shop soon!!"- Deepu said applying lipstick

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