explain 💞

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"Ammu!! listen to me!!"- taehyung asked grabbing ammu's hand still being on the stage

"What???will you please leave me alone!!dad let's go!!"- ammu said as she grabbed her dads hand before walking out of the building as press reporters clicking the pictures non stop

"Ammu?who is he??"- Mr Choi asked gentle sitting on the car seat

"No one appa!!lets go to hospital to check on Yang uncle"- ammu said looking at the window

"Look ammu!!i never insisted on anything!but i thinks it's the time after watching y/n's anger!! I thinks it's the time to talk with you about it!!"- Mr Choi said

"What is it dad?"- ammu asked looking at her dad

"You know right From you're childhood how much I cared for you and i will continue to love you until my last breath!"- Mr Choi said

"Why are you talking like this appa!!"- ammu asked grabbing her father's hand

"You are mature enough to take decision of your life!!i never Forced you to do anything against your wish!!i just wanted to keep you safe!!i want you to settle down!i wanted to make sure you live the life i wanted to live!! I wanted give you the best!!and i never Forced to look after company after me!!you showed interest in it so i let you do whatever makes you happy!!and I'm telling you now!! you can marry anyone you want!!i just want you to be happy with someone who take care of you like i do!!and you have to take care of your sister vidya too!!she is not major yet!but she can also do whatever she wants until she is happy with it!even choosing the life partner you both can marry anyone you want as long as you are happy!!i want to see that smile on you're both faces always"- Mr Choi said with tearful eyes

"Appa!!why are you making me cry!!you don't have to say all this i know about you!!i can't even compare you too Yang uncle! just because y/n complained about him!that doesn't mean I would do too!!i have the best dad in the whole world!!"- ammu said hugging her dad making him chuckle

"And i have the best daughters in the whole world!!"- Mr Choi said patting ammu's hair


"Aish!!y/n!!calm down!!!"- namjoon said dragging y/n outside of the building

"Leave me joonie!!i want to reveal his real face to the world!!"- y/n said moving towards the building but namjoon stopped her again

"Why are you stopping me!!'- y/n shouted making namjoon sigh

"You already did so much!! it's Enough!! let's go!!"- namjoon said

"I want to kill that man!!how dare he thought I'll marry suga! I'm not anyone's property!i will live my life as I want!!"- y/n shouted

"Aish what I'm going to do with you!!"- namjoon face palmed himself Making y/n chuckle

"Cute!"- y/n said ruffling namjoon's hair

"Ok miss angry bird!! let's go somewhere!!"- namjoon said looking at y/n

"Joonie!!"- y/n pouted

"Yes!?"- namjoon asked

"I'm hungry!!'- y/n said pouting

"Yah!! don't do like this!!"- namjoon said looking away

"Why?? don't i look good when i pout!!"- y/n pouted again

"Haha!!(*my poor heart can't handle it!*he thought himself) lets go and eat something!!" With that namjoon and y/n left to restaurant like nothing happened

Meanwhile guards took Mr Yang to the hospital Along with suga and admitted him to ICU

After waiting for sometime doctor came out,"doctor is my friend is alright??"- Mr Min asked

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