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"after a long time nice to see you again little one!" Suho said smiling at her

Taehyung raised his eyebrow by that nickname

Ammu looked at taehyung and Suho again,"Mr Suho I'm your boss and you are a staff here so please be in your limits and Mr taehyung show him his cabin!" Ammu said sitting on her seat

Taehyung noded,"let's go sir!" Taehyung said opening the door and Suho just smiled at Ammu before following taehyung.

Door closed as Ammu let out a heavy breath which felt like holding forever!,"why my fate is like this!! Ahhh my head is going to blast!! First day of my job and already this two!" Ammu said holding her head.

"This is you're cabin sir! Have a good day!" Taehyung said showing his cabin to Suho

"Wait come in i have something to talk to you!" Suho said as taehyung sighed and walked in the office with Suho

"What is it sir?" Taehyung asked

"You are Ammu's assistant right!" Suho asked as taehyung noded

"Do you know anything about her ex?" Suho asked in curiosity

"She doesn't have any ex sir! She still loves him and he loves her!" Taehyung said with straight face

"Nahh! I came here to get her and I'll get her for sure after knowing she broke up with him!" Suho said

"She didn't broke up with anyone sir so continue You're work! I'll take my leave!" Taehyung said leaving

"How did you that she doesn't broke up!" Suho asked

"Because I'm her boyfriend!" Taehyung said placing his hands in his pockets

"Ohh really?" Suho laughed

"Yes! We both love each other so be in your limits sir! I don't like when someone try to get what already mine! She is mine will be mine forever!" Taehyung said shutting the door after leaving the cabin

"Interesting!" Suho smirked


"What's wrong with me!! Ahhh my head is hurting!!" Y/n said driving to somewhere

She quickly got down from the car and went to a hospital

She went to doctor room and sat infront of him

"What's wrong miss y/n!!" Doc said rushing towards y/n

"My head is hurting again!" Y/n said holding her head again

"Ahh i see! I'll give you a dose everything will be alright!" Doc smiled genuinely

He gave injection to y/n and some medicines After checking her

"Why I'm getting headache again and again! I was fine from this 6 months but once coming here i keep getting this headaches!" Y/n said after calming down

"It's ok y/n! You had an accident remember! Maybe you are remembering you're past! I think you met people you know before the accident! Don't be worry it will alright and you're father appointed a personal doctor to you he will be with you 24/7 to take care of you!" Doc said wearing his specs

"Personal doctor??" Y/n asked in confusion

" I wasn't in charge when you got in accident my senior doctor was in charge of you! Because of some personal reasons he transferred from here so i had to be your family doctor,for some reasons i wouldn't be able to attend you always so I suggested you're father that it's better to you to have a personal doctor and he agreed to it. You're condition is unstable so i don't have any other choices then sending my junior with you! He will visit tommorow and stay with you for few days until you're condition gets Normal" doctor said in his sweetest voice

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