don't you dare??

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You were sleeping peacefully in your room ☝️,you heard someone calling you but you didn't responded but soon you woke up with startled when you're friend poured a glass of water in your face

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You were sleeping peacefully in your room ☝️,you heard someone calling you but you didn't responded but soon you woke up with startled when you're friend poured a glass of water in your face

Y/n:bitch!! what's wrong with you?? you scared the shit out off me??
??:how many times I have to shout to wake you up??
Y/n:why did you do that to me??
??:bitch did you checked what time is it??
Y/n:why?? it's 8:40 what's wrong with it??
??: go and get ready for college bitch!! I'm also waiting for you we have to go to college before 9:00 it's the first day of our college
y/n: yahh!!it's my college by the way why should I have to go in time!! let me sleep more!!I wish I born like a rock in my next life
??: yahhh get your lazy ass up and go and get ready we are late??
Y/n:ok mommy!! I'm going..
You said at your friend Lisa who is laughing at your mess face

You said at your friend Lisa who is laughing at your mess face

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Lisa is the only one who got your side after your mom death.after sometime you got ready and went to kitchen to have breakfast where Lisa was waiting for you
Y/n:hey why are you waiting for me you should have eaten..
Lisa:I wanted to have eat with you
Y/n:aww love you let's eat I'm starving!!
You and Lisa are having your breakfast and your father came to kitchen..Lisa stood up and greeted your father
Lisa: good morning Uncle (while bowing at him)
Mr.yang:when did I became your uncle?? don't forgot where are you from?? it's principal sir to you girl??
Lisa: sorry principal sir(bowing)
Y/n:why do apologise to him Lisa??and you old man how dare you to talk to my friend like that??

Mr.yang:look y/n you have to ask me if you want to bring your friends!!

Y/n:are you asking my permission when bring your mistresses to this home.. ughhh!!!I'm done eating Lisa let's go I'm not in a mood for arguing with this old man!!
Y/n left by saying that
Lisa: I'm really sorry behalf of y/n(bowed)
Mr.yang: just go away!*Lisa left*


Oppa!!come fast we are getting late!!

Yeah Deepu I'm almost done with this!!!

Thank you for helping me with shifting this stuff young man!!hope you get a lovely girl just like your smile"an old lady thanked

It's nothing aunty!! let me know when you want any help!!said that boy and smiled at the elder person

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