7] choking back tears.

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You threw your arm towards the snooze button, then letting it extend back onto the bed, where you hit a very asleep matsuda.

"Ah!" you screamed and your reflexes kicked in resulting in you literally kicking him out of your bed

"ow" he said softly rubbing his head

"oh my god! shit! fuck! Im so used to sleeping alone! I'm so sorry! are you okay?" you sat up abruptly covering your mouth to not stop the words from spilling out your mouth.

"no no its alright" Matsuda grunted getting off the floor

"I can't believe I did that. I am so sorry." you said in shock

"man that's one hell of a wake up call." he laughed sitting on the edge of the bed

"did you hit your head?"

"A little" he said rubbing said injured head

You crawled over to matsuda wrapping your arms around his shoulders kissing his head over and over, earning a little giggle from him.

"here I'll make it up to you. I'll make breakfast." you suggested resting your chin on his shoulder, the both of you looking out the gorgeous window.

"sounds good" he smiled looking behind him, taking in your disheveled appearance.

"That morning voice" you blurted out, pulling away quickly covering your mouth.

"haha my what?" he turned towards you with a confused look.

"oh my god. Obviously I've loss my mind just saying anything that comes to mind " you groaned covering your face an embarrassed laugh escaping through your hands.

"Your silly" he smiled and kissed your head. It was nice to not be the embarrassed one, for once.

"Alright, breakfast?" you said trying to shake it off.

"after you Madame" Matsuda said gesturing a fancy hand and head bow, towards the door.

-time skip to that afternoon-

You, Matsuda, and Light worked through the Yotsuba group, paper work covering every surface. You did your best to stay away from Light even going as far as to inch your chair closer and closer to matsu.

"y/n, I need to speak with your privately." L said

"okay?" you exchanged worried looks with matsuda as you got up.

L lead you all the way up to his private room, night settled over the city scape, lamps illuminating the room.

"what's this about?" you said hesitantly sitting in a chair opposite L

"We've known you for a very long time and I know I can trust you and I know your strengths and weaknesses..."

"L your not one to sugar coat things, get to the point."

"Well I have an idea but its going to require you to make some sacrifices."

"Go on.." you said slowly.

"I have reason to believe that Light has taken interest in you. Perhaps to get closer to me to find out my true identity. That got me thinking, we could use this to our advantage."

"how so? Undercover work?"

"more or less. I was thinking along the lines of using your powers of seduction to get more information out of him."

You thought about this for many moments. As much as you wanted to put him behind bars, where you willing to risk your personal relationships with not only matsuda but misa? Could you convince light you actually had romantic feelings for him after being so blatant about your dislike for him?

Matsuda, You Idiot, I Love You!    (touta matsuda x femme reader)Where stories live. Discover now