bonus content: deleted/ alternate scenes

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Delete scene // chapter 10

And just like that the room seemed to change around you. Chairs were moved, a screen rolled down from the ceiling, people shuffled around. Everything was dull and out of focus. Until you felt someone put a hand on top of yours.

"Hi" a sweet voice said.

You slowly turned your head.

"Misa" you breathed melting into her arms

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry. What your about to watch is going to be so hard, I'm sorry." You gushed

"Hey its okay" she rocked back and forth slightly.

"As long as your here everything will be okay" she said pulling back brushing your hair away from your face.

"Ill be by your side the whole time I promise."

"Me too" matsuda sat on the other side of you.

You took a deep breath, grabbing both of their hands.

"Ready?" L asked

"Ready." The whole room responded.

Alt scene // chapter 11

"she can sleep in matsuda's room?"

"that's actually a good idea she should stay down here with her broken leg and everything."

"I agree, since she's your girlfriend I don't think this will be an issue. Right matsuda?" L said

"I- um- well..." Matsuda's hand shot up to the back of his neck he had been unusually quiet since your name was mentioned

A tired grin creeped across your face.

"guys I think she's awake" ide cooed

I giggle escaped your lips

"I don't think that will be a problem. Right matsuda?" You teased rubbing your eyes again.

"umm yeah right! Mhm" his face turned bright red. "We'll be going then!" He said hurriedly wheeling your towards his room.

"how long were you awake?" He asked nervously

"not long"

"and the wheel chair doesn't fit through the doorway, great." He said

"Its fine I can walk from here" you said standing up slightly

"nah-uh no walking for you." He said quickly jumping infront of you. "Get on my back" Matsuda said

"piggy back ride" you giggled climbing on "weee" you joked and he walked you towards the bed.

Both of you laughed. He set you down on the bed. You flopped dramatically back onto the pillows.

"you gonna take off your shoes or.."

"Its shoe! How dare you remind me of my crippled state" you said throwing a dramatic hand over your head.

"come on now" he shook his head smiling taking your Shoe off and setting it nicely by the door.

"um do you want pajamas or something?" He said nervously

"I don't really care"

"I can't imagine sleeping in a button down and a pencil skirt would be that comfortable?" he said

"I once blacked out in a party dress, heels and full glitter makeup"

"that must have been a bitch" his nose crinkled at the thought of sleeping in heels

"oh my god it totally was, I ruined a full set of sheets that night" you laughed looking up the the ceiling.

He smiled at you taking in your elegant disposition. He then turned into his closet then throwing an over sized t-shirt at your face. Earning your silly laugh he liked so much.

"You want pants too?" He called, rummaging through his clothes.

He turned to hear your answer, seeing you already unbuttoning your shirt.

"ah! um- uh" he panicked covering his eyes.

"Sorry" you said bashfully covering yourself up.

"its fine! I just don't wanna disrespect you or anything!" he said franticly waving his free hand around to find the edge of the dresser.

"I um-  A guy has never said that to me before..."

"really?" He said slowly uncovering his eyes

You shrugged

He sat in the edge of the bed looking at the floor.

You quickly put to on his shirt and fixed your hair.

He waited for you to stop moving he then shifted his gaze over to you. His heart skipped like 7 beats you looked so good in his cloths.

"what?" You laughed

"Your beautiful you know that right?"

"Shut up!" You shoved his shoulder playfully

"I mean it!"

"what you mean after being in a court rooms all day passing out twice and where a baggy shirt" you scoffed

" I always think your beautiful " he blushed.

A/N: last edited 9/10/21

Hi! I was cleaning out my writing stuff the other day and found these.

Leave some comments on what you want to see next!!

More chapters, other fanfics (any fandom really), imagines or oneshots perhaps????

I'm currently working on a FOB + OC fanfic. Not sure if I'll post it, probably not.

But let me know :)

thank you for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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Matsuda, You Idiot, I Love You!    (touta matsuda x femme reader)Where stories live. Discover now