11// stone cold evidence

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//authors note//

TW more medical problems

plz don't call me out I know nothing about law or how court rooms work

(Also I recently just finished future diary so I threw in Yuno as a quick mention)

sorry for the weird spacing too


The grand federal courtroom was loud. Everyone has been waiting for this moment. Everyone was tuned in on their TVs. a hand found its way towards yours. Matsuda looked as nervous as you felt. you gave his hand a quick squeeze. he squeezed back. another tiny hand grabbed your other hand, misa. you did the same for her. today would be a make or break moment. the chatter in the wings echoed through the court, everyone waiting for the trial to begin. the judge brought down his mighty gavel with a crake silencing the eager jury.watari passed you in the tile-laying and comforting hand on your shoulder momentarily. you wanted as he walked to the stand to present the evidence as ls stand-in. his words echoed through the microphone but you couldn't hear what he was saying the ringing in your ears far too loud. The next thing you knew the video began to play.footage of lights room, pictures, and scans of lights school work flowed by images of the death note to compare and writing. then the video of the lights room in the HQ building. audio of misa and light fighting, misa hid her face in your shoulder at one point hot tears silently streaming he faces. audio of light talking about the case, audio of him laughing, audio of him and you fighting on multiple occasions. it went on and on. you watched yourself walk on screen," oh um I just wanted to say that Matsuda and I broke up kinda, I figured I should at least tell one person.""oh I'm sorry to hear that, wanna come in?" your voice echoed through the cart house."sure""if you don't mind me asking, why'd you two break up?""you were right.""in what respect?""he is childish, I need someone more sophisticated." you felt Matsuda tense next to you. it pulled at your heartstrings a little, you rubbed your thumb over his hand to try and quietly reassure him.everyone's eyes shifted to you.next audio of your date with light, you had wires installed in the emergency jewelry as well. you and water had those pieces tricked out.I'm not sure, this might sound crazy but he might be some kind of god or the power of a god being passed onto Kira.""Hmm, okay ill entertain that idea," you could feel the courtroom hanging on the edges of their seats"Do you think Kira would punish us for trying to find him?""He's very smart I think he would try and turn them using the force of some kind.""Okay so hypothetically, if someone was trying to stop him, then Kira won them over....would Kira still kill them eventually?""I don't think so"."That's a relief I guess.""do you value your life y/n?""yes.""And yet your will to risk your life for the investigation?""You can not value your life if you do nothing of value.""and who's to say what is valuable and what isn't?""God of course.""Who is your god y/n?""I haven't met him yet""would you like to?"everyone gasped except you and l he had studied these clips and you... had lived them."yes," you growled.video of you and light coming to HQ played next, light getting drunk, you taking him upstairs.these next clips were hard to watch.you didn't even care that people all over the world just watched you take off your dress all you cared about was showing light guilt.the fight broke out, you noticed things you hadn't seen at the moment. tables being knocked over, his profanities piercing shaper the second time especially to his father. Matsuda shuttered his head spinning a mile a minute.the outdoor footage L talked about. snow covering the midnight streets. l close on your tail, you watched cross the screen knowing what comes next. the headlights showing up first. a shout erupted throughout the courthouse, watching you get hit. L didn't even look back."Catch him!" were your last words you didn't remember shouting before you fell unconscious.the screen became split footage if you bleeding out in the snow and footage of L and Light running through the city. you couldn't look away from your lifeless body. the way you looked so tired, your leg mangled. your hands and feet truing the most violent shades of red, your face visibly pailing. another crash, light slipping in the ice and L diving for his foot and grabbing tight. the task force finally rounding the corner. seeing yur lifelss body and tire tranks."GO THAT WAY FOLLOW THEIR FOOTPRINTS ILL BRING HER BACK TO HQ!" the chief barked the ordersMogi, ide, and aizaw following the orders and retaining light who was struggling to kick off L.the last of the footage was the chief carrying you like a little kid into HQ where water hurried over and called for an ambulance. a real one this time.sympatric eyes were burning holes in the back of your head. you looked to your right misa sat motionless straight at the screen her facial expression unreadable. Matsuda on your left had tear-stained cheeks his had covered his mouth. utter shock took over all the nations. Kira was caught and the hero was hurt.the courthouse fell painfully silent. the video died out. everyone sat with the knowledge of what the NPA had to go through. it was your turn to speak now the judge motioned towards you. Matsuda whipped his tears quickly and pushed your wheelchair up to the stand. you stood up not putting any weight on your bad leg "thank you" you whispered to Matsuda and kissed his cheek.you took a deep breath finally taking in the courtroom's tear-stained faces and serious expressions. "Hello everyone" you spoke into the mic, I and f/n l/n a detective on the Kira case. id, first of all, like to take you all for coming and tuning in on your TVs. I'd also like to thank all my colleges for helping with this difficult case and for saving me in my time in need." the speech you wrote was sincere but saying it in front of all these people felt like a grade school play. "now id like to draw your attention to the screen" watari switched the screen to the clip you specified. "This is misa amena who was light Yagami's girlfriend at the time. as you can tell their constant fights and relationship as a whole were abusive. I recognized this the first day I walked in, especially back at my old agency was domestic struggles and kidnappings. so I have seen my fair share of relationship issues. id like you to all keep that in mind as I present my testimony." you went through your time investigating lights interactions with you and broke down your fights. and most importantly you went through your thought process during the date and the time after.after your speech you took a deep breath "I will now be accepting questions." the courtroom erupted with talking and questions, camera flashes blinded you and the judge's gavel ran out repeatedly.your breathing hitched and you nervously tried to step back forgetting you had a bum leg, a sharp pain went from your toe up your spine with shooting electricity. The floor quickly came up to your ears. Matsuda ran up and tried to catch your head before it met the carpet. this only egged on the court and reporters surrounded you. your head spun you could hear everyone calling your name but it felt like your head was in a tunnel everything spun to a screeching black holt."Y/n... Y/n.. come on we can't do this again, y/n! Please... Please." Someone's heavy plea broke the barrier.Your eyes drifted open. It was quiet now. The light was dim. You looked down, a heavy head with soft black hair rested on your abdomen. Quiet tears rattled his body. Your hand stroked his head."Hey Matsu it's okay," you said softly.He jumped slightly turning quickly to look at your face.His coffee eyes, red and filled with fear, instantly soften when they met your affectionate ones."Oh y/n thank god" he sighed melting into your touch.You continued to stroke his hair. Tiredness washed over Matsuda. He had been ridged with worry, your delicate hands, feeling like they were the answer to his every problem."I was so worried" he buried his face into your shirt."I'm okay now, I promise." You said taking in your surroundings.It seems they had moved you into the office behind the courtroom. You laid on a stretcher placed on the floor. Sitting up slowly you hugged Matsuda. He quickly wrapped his arms around you clinging to dear life. You rested your head on top of his, his sweet cologne smelled like heaven. You truly believe he was an angel design especially for you."Haha okay now don't squish me." You joked earning a smile from him. His grip loosened and his head lifted to meet yours."The paramedics said you had a panic attack and passed out, but that it was nothing serious. I'm so sorry I should have gotten to you faster. It's all my fault-""Hey, shh it's alright. You have already done so much for me. Nothing is your fault. Do you hear me?" You said placing both your cold hands on either side of his face."Your hands are cold," he said placing his hands over yours"And yours are warm" you smiled.He smiled back with a sniff."How long have I been lying here?""Not long" he shook his head"Why didn't you say so!" You began to try and stand up."Wait!! Lemme get your wheelchair" he said jumping up.He wheeled you back into the courtroom. The talking and camera erupted again. This time you smiled and waved. You stayed seated in your wheel chair and someone handed you a microphone."Thank you, so sorry for that I'm still recovering from the accident, I'm ready to proceed." You said looking at the approval of the judge.The reports raised their hands and chatter loudly."What just happened?" Someone shouted"I collapsed, my leg is still healing, and my good leg gets tired after not using the wheelchair.""Who is the one who tackled Kira?" Another voice from the crowd said.The entire task force took in a sharp inhale. You knew this question would come up."That is Suzuki, he's head of the information department," You said calmly."Do you know who hit and ran you?""I do not, I don't wish to press charges either.""Why not?""Because Kira has been caught and that is all I want."Many questions were answered. Many about L, some about the case, and a few about your personal life.It's was a very hard tiring day, for everyone, medical ailments aside. You and the rest of the task force were ushered to your cars. Matsuda and you split off from the group, Matsuda had driven himself. He helped you into the front seat and folder your wheelchair into the back."whoa you have so much music," you said picking up an assortment of CDs and mixtapes that shattered the entire car."you can pick something out... Oh! Except for for-""for yuno" you read aloud"that one" he cringed"Oooo who's yuno" you teased"she's um an ex-girlfriend of mine I guess" he awkwardly explained gripping the steering wheel"what's the story," you asked with a smile finally glad the attention wasn't on you."I'm not telling you about my past loves!" His voice squeaked"aww come on! Why not! I'm not the jealous type" you laughed putting the yuno tape into the car."well, she was! She was like this super popular girl in high school, got perfect grades, and stuff. But it turns out she was just using me to get with my friend Yuki. She was like the total stalker type.""spooky""very, but I had a thing for her I don't know." He said reminiscing."You have good taste." You sighed leaning your head on the window"what?" He placed over at you"in music" you mumbled your eyes drifting shut.He smiled to himself, listening to the quiet music, enjoying the road and your sleepy presence.

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