Watermelon Sugar

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Breathe me in,

Breathe me out

He kept her pressed flat against the shower wall, one leg over his shoulder, hands in his hair. She was sweet against him and he was deep and warm against her. The water that poured from the showerhead ran straight down the drain, leaving both of them cold and dripping wet, however burning, and hot. He breathed her in like the air of late June. She was crumbling above him, feeling completely disconnected as if he were too far from her – yet he was as close to her as could be. He was meticulous with her, covering every square inch and pleasuring every part of her entirely.

Man, was he good at that.

She tugged lightly at his dripping, brown locks so to hold him as close to her as possible and not breaking the waves of pleasure, the deepest of all pressures brewing deeply within the depths of her stomach. She held onto him for dear life, breathing rapidly into the steam rising around them, struggling to breath from the pace he had set. He gripped her hips tightly, massaging them gently to help her relax and intensify the head. With or without that action though, she was absolute putty in his hands, on the verge of collapse. He flicked his tongue over her most sensitive areas, causing her to buck her hips wildly as he slammed them back into position against the tile. He hummed gently against her in drawn out notes causing intense vibrations to ripple through her and draw her only closer and closer to the edge of the abyss of pleasure he was set on throwing her into.

She arched her back against the wall, hot, her dampness from the water now fading into sweat, making them both in need of another rinse.

He had never been the type to focus so greatly on a woman. Sure, he made time for them, but he had never until her felt so inclined to hone in on the female anatomy. She was pure sex above him, enough to make his own toes curl without sexual contact. Her own heavy breath caused him to increase his own pace, struggling to breathe within the folds of her. Without notice, her cries of pleasure stopped entirely as she melted before him, euphoria overflowing her senses as she tensed all over, releasing her inhibitions and fears onto him, causing his actions to slow dramatically as he now focused on tasting her against his tongue without intent to over-stimulate.

Against the now sweaty white tile wall, she kept her eyes shut as he rose from below her, rising only to catch her – unable to stand up from the ricocheting pleasure coursing through her. He held her up by the waist, brushing wet strands of hair behind her ears to hold her face and kiss her deeply, allowing her to taste herself on his tongue. She blushed deeply as she did, finding herself embarrassed, yet completely aroused by the taste of them combined as well as the dampness of her climax on his chin against hers. She could never live without him in this way, this passionate way she craved so deeply. And he could never get enough of her, holding her deeply into their kiss as he walked them back under the warm, streaming water.

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