Adore You

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You don't have you say you love me

You don't have to say nothing

You don't have to say you're mine

There was a slight husk to her voice which never failed to catch his attention – it was one of the first things he ever noticed about her as she sat quietly in that writing studio years ago. She sat in the shadows, legs draped sideways over an armchair singing perfected lyrics to a roomful which drew to her like moths to a flame. She stood, back to him in his kitchen, singing lowly like this, stirring something which filled the apartment with an insatiable aroma that he couldn't see.

Honey, I'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you

Like it's the only thing I'd ever do

That's the only thing I'd ever do

She sung lowly, quietly to herself without drawing attention. He listened intently, however, totally entranced by her voice and the slight bob of her head as she strung verse together to create such a beautiful song. He had walked in on her before, sat at his piano and scribbling words and notes on a scrap piece of paper, a melody similar to that of this wafting through the air. She was a woman of no secrets – unless she was concerned with writing her music. Harry was lucky enough of their time in love to have been let in on some of her few secrets, some of his own songs even starting that way – as her secrets.

After a few times she had repeated this chorus, he had managed to catch onto a harmony, chiming in silently so she wouldn't be too caught off guard by it, but she noticed, turning around to smile at him, scrunching her nose at being caught. He laughed at her and watched her carry over two steaming plates to their place on his couch facing the television. He leant forward to mute the meaningless sitcom playing in the background, facing her on the couch.

"When did you write that?" he asked. She blushed in response.

"About two days ago. I can't get the chorus out of my head."

"Must be good them." He smiled at her.

"I think so. Can't find a verse to match it though. Written heaps down but none are sticking."

"Fair enough, show me what you've got after dinner?"

"I have a few ideas, help me pick one?"


Later in Harry's music room, she sat nervously at the piano, aware of his presence before her. She always got nervous, sitting, about to share her music with someone.

"Be nice, Baby." She said quietly, looking up from behind her curls and her glasses to ask innocently.

As she played her first note gently, Harry melted at the look on her face as the music sunk into her soul and it came almost out of her body as it always seemed to do. She took a deep breath in and began the full version of the chorus he had heard before, slowing at parts, and becoming more upbeat as the song carried.

Harry watched the words flow from within her, obvious meaning floating through the air and making him emotional as it always did. It was moments like these he felt her speak to him where music replaced all communication.

"Just let me adore you, like it's the only thing I'd ever do."

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