Chapter 36

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Staci woke the next morning wrapped in Angel's arms. He looked peaceful as he slept. She gently kissed his cheek before slipping out of bed to get the kids. She fed all three babies and got Lily ready for school. AJ was at the table eating breakfast. Angel came down the hall in just a pair of jeans.

"Lil-bug, you are gonna be late," Staci said.

Angel leaned down to kiss his wife lips. She smiled up at him.

"You gonna be ok with the boys while I run her to school?" she asked.

He nodded. She looked at her daughter. Lily jumped down from the chair to go get her shoes. Staci followed to help her get them on before leading her out to the car.

She pulled up to a light on her way to the school. She wasn't thinking anything of it until there was a man next to her with a gun in her face. She quickly glanced at Lily's face in the mirror. The little girl looked terrified.

The man yanked open the door. He grabbed Staci by the arm and tried to yank her from the vehicle.

"My seatbelt," she said.

The man sliced the seatbelt and yanked her from the car. Another man pulled Lily from the back. Staci was shoved in the back of a black SUV and Lily was thrown in her lap. The little girl huddled against her mother.

"It's all right, baby. Daddy will come for us," Staci whispered to her daughter.

Lily hid her face from the men who were now on either side of them in the car. Staci was quiet, knowing that the man on her left had a weapon. She didn't doubt for a moment that the man on her right had one as well. She just had to hope that Angel realized something was wrong before something really bad happened.

Back at home, Angel was busy with the boys. He had the three younger boys in their bouncers and was looking for a movie for AJ. He glanced at the clock wondering where his wife was. She should have been back by now. The phone rang. He went to get it.

"Hello," he said.

"This is Santo Padre Elementary. Lillian Reyes is absent today?" a woman asked him.

"She shouldn't be. My wife left about an hour ago to take her to school."

"She has been marked unexcused today as she is not in the building."

"Then something is wrong. Her mother should have dropped her off already. I will be contacting authorities to find out what's going on."

Angel hung up and called his wife's phone. It just rang until it went to voicemail. Angel called his brother.

"What's up?" EZ asked.

"I need you to follow Staci's normal route to the school. Something is wrong. Lily didn't make it to school and Staci hasn't come home. She isn't answering her phone." Angel said.

"All right."

EZ hung up and headed out. Angel paced the house, trying to go thru everything to think of something he may have done to make his wife angry. He couldn't think of anything.

His phone went off again. He grabbed it.

"I found the car. Angel, you aren't gonna like this," EZ said.

"What?" Angel asked.

"Her seatbelt is cut. Lily's stuff is still in the back. They weren't taken from the car willingly."

"Who the hell would take my wife and my daughter?"

"I don't know. I will gather everyone and we will come to the house. I know you don't have a way with the car seats being here."

"I gotta call the cops on this one. The school has Lily listed as unexcused."


"Staci will freak out if something like that goes on Lily's record."

"I don't think that she will care at this point."

"Just get here."

Angel hung up the phone. He waited for everyone to show up. He was worried about his wife and his little girl.

Somewhere across the border, Staci and Lily were led into a house. She was shocked to see Miguel Galindo sitting there. She shifted her daughter in her arms.

"Staci Reyes," he said.

"Miguel, can I help you?" Staci asked.

"Not really. I just need to remind Angel and EZ who is in charge around here,"

"Excuse me?"

"No harm will come to you or that little girl as long as they cooperate."

Staci stared at him. She couldn't believe that he had her kidnapped along with her daughter to get her husband to do what he wanted them to do. She looked at her daughter. Lily was clinging to her.

"Nestor take her to a locked room but make sure they are comfortable," he said.

The man with the braids nodded. She shook her head. He led her and Lily to a room and locked them in. Staci sat on the bed. She held Lily in her arms.

"Mama," Lily said.

"It's going to be all right baby," she said.

She wasn't sure what Miguel's plan was. She sighed heavily. She wasn't sure if they were going to be fed or what was going to happen. She knew that her husband was probably freaking out by now.

Back at home, Angel sat in his living room. He was waiting on the guys to show up. They brought Staci's SUV home. Bishop had information as he pulled in.

"Galindo has them," he said.

"Why?" Angel demanded.

"No idea. Something about reminding you and EZ who is in charge."

Angel was confused. He knew they had things coming up with him but Angel wasn't planning on going against him. He looked at his boys.

"Daddy, where's mama? I'm hungry," AJ said.

Angel pulled his son into his lap. He was going to be doing a million things to get his wife back. He was concerned because he knew what Miguel was capable of. He knew that the man was a father himself but it hadn't stopped him from hurting kids before.

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