Chapter 4

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He didn't return to the house that night. He went to the camp to talk to Adelita. It was no shock to anyone when he pulled up with Gilly and Coco. He walked over to where Adelita was. She turned and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"You got me in a world of shit," he said.
"How so?" she asked.
"I told you that I am married. Well now the wife knows."
"She throw you out?"

Angel nodded. Adelita attempted to hide the smirk. He frowned.

"Means I can't see my babies every day," he said.
"She would do that to you," Adelita asked.
"Of course she would. I just got caught red handed basically cheating on her."

Adelita nodded thoughtfully. Angel shook his head.

"Leave her and them alone," he said, "it's my shit to work out."

She nodded again. He sighed heavily.

"She is a great mom. I won't take them from her for any reason," he said.
"All right. I will leave her alone," Adelita replied.
"Thank you."

They got back into their plans for the next shipment that Galindo had heading out. She sighed. The evening ended with her and Angel in her tent. He tried to sleep afterward but it wasn't happening. He got up and got the other two. They headed back across the border thru the tunnels.

*three months later*

Angel watched his brother for a moment. EZ had just begun prospecting for the club. He had just come onto the lot for a shift with the scrapyard. Angel approached him.

"Where have you been?" Angel asked.
"Staci's. Lily wanted me to come to breakfast," EZ replied.
"How are they?"
"Man up and go see for yourself."
"She won't even answer my calls."
"Can you blame her? You cheated on her, Angel."
"I know boy scout."

Angel sighed. He wanted to see the kids but Staci ignored his calls. He was nervous just to pop up over there. He figured she would meet him at the door with a gun in her hand. He wasn't exactly sure that she wouldn't shoot him after everything.

"She misses you, but she has been crushed Angel. She trusted you not to hurt her," EZ said.

Angel nodded. He had been sleeping with Adelita for the last three months but he wasn't going to tell his brother that.

"The kids ask about me?" he asked.
"Lily does. AJ is too small to get what's going on," EZ said.

Angel nodded. He wanted to fix it but Adelita had sunk her claws in deep. A part of him was terrified of what she would do since she knew about his family. He worried about their safety. He was still legally married to Staci. She had never pushed for a divorce. He dropped money in the mailbox when she wasn't around for the kids and the bills.

"She got a job," EZ said.
"Doing what?" Angel asked.
"The diner and she helps out Pop,"

Angel nodded. He wondered if she was even using the money he left. EZ seemed to be reading his mind today.

*six weeks later*

Angel was on the yard when his phone went off. He pulled it out, shocked to see the person calling. He quickly answered it.

"Staci?" he asked.
"Hospital, now!" was all she said before hanging up.

He took off to his bike and rode out for the hospital. He found her in the emergency room. His daughter was in her lap. Lily reached for him as he entered the room. He picked her up from her mother's lap.

"What happened?" Angel asked, shifting his daughter.
"AJ is sick. He hasn't eaten in two days and is now dehydrated. I tried so hard to keep from having to come here." he could hear the panic in her voice.
"It's all right. He will be ok,"
"You didn't see him Angel."

She didn't even bring up the shit they were going thru. He watched her for a minute. This was the first real time he had laid eyes on her in four and a half months. She looked tired. He felt guilty for everything going on.

"Where is he?" Angel asked.
"They are putting an IV in and it was stressing Lily out. They asked me to come out here with her," Staci replied.

Angel nodded. She stood up and walked to the desk.

"Can I go back with my son? His father is here now," she told the woman at the desk.
"Sure hun," the woman hit the buzzer for Staci to head back.

Angel followed her with Lily in his arms. AJ was surrounded by doctors. It shocked Angel that his boy wasn't screaming. He just lay there and let them do what they doing to him. Angel felt his phone vibrate but he ignored it.

"AJ, mommy's back," Staci said to their son.

Angel felt a lump in his throat as he stared at his little boy.

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