Chapter Eight

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She pulled up to the clubhouse. Angel was sitting outside waiting on her. She was extremely nervous about telling him. She hadn't been this nervous with either of the other two kids. He stared at her as she got out of the car. She could feel the bile rising in her throat.

"You wanted to talk?" he asked, a smirk on his face.
"Yeah I do," she said, crossing her arms across her chest.
"What is it?"
"The night of our last talk."
"What about it?"

The smirk was a full blown shit-eating grin now. She looked at the ground.

"I'm pregnant," she mumbled.
"What?!" he thought he had heard her wrong.
"I am fucking pregnant, Angel."
"How the fuck?"
"You don't remember how babies are made?"

He shot her a glare as his mind raced.

"I figured you went on birth control. I mean shit, you let me hit it raw," he said.
"You are still my husband, you dick. I figured I could trust you not to give me anything," she snapped.
"Fuck Stace."
"Nevermind Angel. I just thought you had a right to know. Our divorce has to be put on hold until this kid is born."

He nodded. She turned and went back to her car.

"Congratulations Angel," she said, getting in the car.

She drove off the lot and headed home to her kids. EZ looked up from the board game that Lily was making him play with her. She nodded to him and went into the kitchen. He got up and followed her.

"How did he take it?" he asked.
"Wanted to know why I wasn't on birth control," she said.
"Yeah like it is my fault that we are having another damn baby."
"Maybe you just shocked him."
"Either way it doesn't matter. I have this under control. My kids will be fine. All fucking three of them. I bet he didnt ask her some stupid shit like that."
"I don't know what was said when she told him."
"He can go fuck himself."

EZ chuckled. Staci went back to her normal routine. She made a doctor appointment to have the baby checked out. She made the mistake of telling EZ when it was. She knew he would tell Angel. She hoped that he would just keep his distance.

*two weeks later*

Staci dropped Lily and AJ off at daycare. She headed to the doctor's office. Angel's bike was already in the parking lot. She walked into the office and right past him. She went up to the receptionist.

"Anastasia Reyes," she said.
"Has anything changed on your chart?" the woman asked about her address and phone number.
"No, it's all still the same,"

The woman nodded. She checked Staci in. Staci sat down in a chair. She completely ignored Angel. He sat next to her. She looked at a magazine that had been laying on the table.

"So you aren't talking to me now?" he asked, quietly.
"Why are you here?" she whispered.
"It's my kid too."
"So what?"
"Staci, I was there for the other two, of course I am gonna be there for this one."
"You don't have to be."
"Don't be like that."
"Angel, you have changed so much."
"Anastasia," a nurse called.

They both stood up and walked to the back with her. Angel reached for her hand, only for Staci to move away from him. He sighed. They were placed in a room. The nurse took Staci's vitals and a blood draw as well as a urine test.

"Dr. Anderson will be with you shortly," she said as she left the room.

Angel looked at his wife. She was sitting on the table. She wasn't making eye contact with him at all.

"We need to talk about this," he said.
"We don't need to talk about anything Angel. It is the same deal with this one that you have with the other two," she said.
"But this one is different. We have an entire pregnancy to deal with. I didn't miss Lily or AJ's delivery. I don't want to miss this one either."
"Do you really think I am that big of a bitch?"

She nodded slightly. He stared at her. She sighed.

"Have you thought about names?" he asked.
"Javier or Allana" she replied.
"What about middle?"
"That's alway been your job, Angel."

He nodded and sat there thinking for a bit. She looked over at him, finally.

"Has she got a name yet?" she asked.
"She wanted to name him after me but I already have AJ. So now I don't know," he said honestly.

She nodded. He sighed.

"Javier Armando and Allana Izabelle," he said suddenly.

She nodded. The doctor knocked and entered the room. She looked at Staci.

"I want to get a sonagram. Your levels are really high for the dates that you stated," she said.

Staci nodded. She glanced at Angel. His face had clouded over and she knew exactly what he was thinking.

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