Plan in Action

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The next thing Holly knew she was being awakened at 6 by her alarm.  She went to her bathroom and started getting ready.  She walked to her closet.  She decided on a floral skirt with a t-shirt and her cowgirl boots.  She grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs.  Her mom had prepared her some fruit and a piece of toast for breakfast.  “Do you want some tea sweetie?”

“I was going to stop at Starbucks.  Thanks though mom.”

“Ok sweetie.  Have a good day see you tonight.”

Holly finished her breakfast and headed out the door.  She plugged the Starbucks into her gps and was on her way.  She saw Mason’s truck as she pulled up.  He climbed out when he saw Holly pull up.  “Hey!” he exclaimed once she was out of her car. 

“Hi.” She replied, “Do you mind if I go in and get something?”

“No I was just going to ask if you wanted something.”

Holly walked into the Starbucks.  Thankfully there was no one in line.  She ordered and was soon walking out to meet Mason and head to school.  Mason was waiting for her.  “Ready?” he asked

“Yep.  Let’s kill the wicked witch of the west coast.”  They both laughed.  This was going to be a good day.  They got to school.  Mason came and opened her door and then helped her out.  He laced his fingers through hers.  They then made their way to the quad.  Suddenly they were stopped.  Amber was standing right in their way.  “I thought I told you to stay away from him!!!” she screamed

“Amber we are over!   I mean it!  Yesterday was the last straw.  Leave me alone and just let me be happy.”

“Fine then.” Amber stomped away. 

“C’mon let’s get to class.”Holly says.

“Wait one second.  When Amber looks back I need to do something.” Mason said

Holly waited thinking he was going to flip her off or something.  She was totally unprepared for him to kiss her.  Soon they were both into a kiss that rivaled romantic movies.  Suddenly a high-pitched scream ended it.  They look over just in time to see Amber crumple to the floor and throw a tantrum.  “Did we break her?” Holly asked. 

“Hopefully.  Let’s go!”

And with that they left for class.    

None of the teachers asked where they had been the pervious day.  Holly met most of Mason’s friends at lunch that day.  She really connected with a girl named Sarah.  Sarah gave Holly her number and invited her to a sleepover that Friday.    

            “So are you going to go?” Mason asked

“I feel like I should.  She seems really nice.”

“Then go silly!  I’m not stopping you and you should probably start making other friends besides me.”

“Yah.  You have a point.” Holly replied.  She got up from the lunch table and threw her trash away but on her way there she noticed something suspicious.  Amber was staring at her with an evil smile on her face.  Amber was up to something Holly just knew it.  Mason walked up behind and hugged her.   “Why do you look so deep in thought?” he asked

“Oh umm I thought it was my grandma’s birthday but it isn’t.”  She explained.  That wasn’t the truth though.  She knew Amber was up to something, and she was going to find out. The rest of the day was uneventful, besides Holly thinking of what Amber could be up to.

Mason drove her back to Starbucks and walked around to open the door for her and helped her down.  He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close.  “I’ll never get tired of this.”  He whispered in her ear.  And with that he kissed her.  They were very involved in the kiss when Holly felt like someone was watching her.  She pulled away and looked around just in time to see Amber duck behind her car.  “Umm not to make you mad or anything but Amber was watching us.” She told Mason.

“Then let’s give her a proper show.” He replied.  He leaned down and kissed her again.  His hand started moving down her back and then slowly made their way to under her butt.  She knew this cue very well.  She wrapped her legs around Mason’s torso and started running her fingers through his hair.  Soon they heard a door slam and someone drive off in a hurry, but that didn’t stop them.  They were so involved in the kiss they didn’t even realize that Amber had left.  Holly pulled away and looked around.  “That seemed to work very nicely,” she stated. 

“Yah I just wish it hadn’t been so public. I need to take you on an official first date.”

“Well my parents will probably want to meet you and I’m staying over at Sarah’s on Friday and I don’t know how late Saturday so how does Sunday afternoon sound.”

“Perfect.  I’ll pick you up around 2.”

“Sounds great!”  Holly walked to her car, got in and drove away.  She got home and checked her phone.  She had tons of messages.  She started reading through them.  Most of them were from her friends back home, one was from Sarah and 3 were from Mason.

Amber called very angry

Should we step up the game?

Why aren’t you replying?

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry I was driving home.

It’s fine babe.

We do need to do something about Amber.

The only way she will stop is when she

sees I’m being serious about us breaking


Ok.  That makes sense.  I guess we’ll just have to step up the pda but not to the point where we could get in trouble at school. 

Sounds like a plan.  

Holly finished up her homework and then got ready for bed.  She decided on a dress and her Steve Madden bow sandals for the next day.  Her mom came up and said good night and that she was glad she was making so many new friends.  Holly was soon in bed and dreaming away. 

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