Joe Imagine: You Were The Song Stuck in My Head

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You were the song stuck in my head
Every song I've ever loved
Played again and again and again
-Fall Out Boy, Favorite Record (

"Come on, (Y/N)! Let's go to the beach!" You hear your boyfriend of two years say, not carrying anything except a towel.

"Why do we have to go to the beach at sunset again?" You ask, crossing your arms and throwing on a cover up over your bathing suit.

"Because the sight is beautiful. Also, there won't be anyone there, so no press, hopefully." He knew how much the press was in your business.

"You could've said the sight is really pretty, that's all."

"But nothing is a better sight than you." He looks down at you and smiles. You smile back and peck him on the lips.

"Alright, we better get going. We need to get a good spot!"

*Arrival at the beach*

Thankfully, no one was there, including the press (which was very rare these days) and it was just a day (well, evening at this point) to you and your boyfriend. No interruptions.

The waves were small, and that's what you liked, although you loved big waves too.

That's when you realized, it was your birthday. Joe must've seen that and you smiled to yourself. You bring Joe into a side embrace.

"Thank you," you say, laying your head on his shoulder.

"For what?" He asks, looking confused.

"For taking me to the prettiest place ever for my birthday."

"Wait, it's your birthday---" that's all he had to say for you to get angry.

"Joe! We've been together for 5 years, and I've known you for 10! You suddenly just forget my birthday?!" You retort angrily, leaving Joe and grabbing your stuff. Tears started falling from your eyes. You couldn't believe it, your own boyfriend, let alone best friend, had forgotten your birthday. He'd never forgotten it before now!

You ran back to your house near the beach, only for Joe to call your name. You couldn't talk to him right now. You heard your phone go off a billion times, ignoring his texts and calls.

It wasn't until you saw an unfamiliar note thumb tacked to the bulletin board that you decided to finally do something.

Follow the rose petals to lead you towards your next clue,

-Joe, the love of your life

You smiled to yourself and suddenly find the rose petals on the floor. You followed them to find another note. This time, you found it on the floor, with the help of your flashlight.


Go to the place where we first met. You will either find me or another clue.

-Your boyfriend

Well, Joe and I met at a park, you think to yourself. So he either has to be there or he's given me another clue. The park, unfortunately, was all the way in Chicago, and you were in Bethany, in Delaware. You put on your leather jacket and black boots, moving your hair out of your face.

You used the flashlight on your phone to find your bag and change out of your bathing suit and coverup. You switched into a pair of jeans, running shoes, tank top and jacket. You tie your hair back and put in your ear buds.

You run out of the house and out towards the nearest park. You ran on the sidewalk, hoping you wouldn't get into a car crash.

You looked over to see a picnic basket and an untouched blanket, the same blanket you have that Joe must've borrowed that he must've used. You saw another note on the picnic basket.

Last note I promise my lovely (Y/N),

Wear this dress and meet me at the nicest restaurant we know.

-Your wonderful boyfriend

You opened the basket to find a dark blue evening dress with what looked like glitter on the front. You pulled out the black heels that went with them. You felt something else in there and you pulled out a makeup bag. Not yours but when you opened it, the same makeup in your usual makeup bag was there. You looked back in your bag to see your makeup bag and makeup was in there. Did Joe like you better with makeup? But then again, this place was fancy, women would be wearing makeup. Must've been your extra set you bought a long time ago, you think to yourself.

You go to the fanciest restaurant you know, a French restaurant that (Y/F/N) had been raving about before you and Joe went to it.

You arrived at the restaurant by taxi and payed the driver. You went inside it, only to rush into the bathroom and get changed, running into one of the stalls. But it wasn't until you were putting on your makeup that you realized that you saw lipstick in it. You didn't like putting on lipstick, let alone wearing high heels or dressing up in fancy clothes. You sigh and put on the lipstick, trying to hurry up. You finish and drop the lipstick back into the makeup bag. You put your stuff into your bag and leave the bathroom.

You walk quickly to the front of the restaurant, where the podium for seating and reservations was.

"Hi. Reservation for Trohman?"

"Yes, right this way, madam," the woman say in a thick French accent. You found yourself to be in a private celebration room, with your boyfriend standing before you. He looked up and his shocked emotion caused you blush and giggle. But you couldn't help but notice a fedora and glasses, a tie, and a vegan meal at table. What the?

Suddenly, you see Joe go onto one knee. It's time for you to look shocked, but tears formed in your eyes too.

(Y/N), ever since Patrick introduced me to you, I fell head over heels for you. I didn't realize it until that game of 7 Minutes In Heaven that we played at (Y/F/N)'s house. I never forgot your birthday and I never forget it to this day. You're the love of my life and I will always take care of you and be there for you. Will you do the honor of becoming Mrs. Trohman?" He asks, his eyes full of love.

"Yes! I will Joseph Mark Trohman!" You whisper. You couldn't contain yourself and just fell into Joe's arms as he stood back up.

"Man, it's gonna be so sad seeing my best friend leave so quickly," you hear a voice say. You watch Joe throw the fedora at the side of the wall, only to see a hand stick out to grab it. You see your best friend come out of the shadows and put on his fedora and glasses. Pete followed him, coming from the other side of the room and grabbing the tie and putting on his blazer. The only person who was missing was.....

"(Y/N)!" You hear someone yell, scaring you. You looked around to see Andy pick you up.

"Back off Hurley. She's mine," you hear Joe say. Andy places you back to the floor. Joe comes up behind you and hugs you. You turn around to peck his lips, him putting on the beautiful ring on your ring finger.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a Trohman already."

"And to believe it was going to be on your birthday," Joe whispers. You smile and bring him back in for a kiss.

A/N this was meant for Valentines Day, to be honest. Whoops. Sorry about that.

Song- Favorite Record- Fall Out Boy

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