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3rd Person

Looking at Jennie answering the phone, Rosie was somehow agitated. It was only minutes when she received the call from Mr. Lee. She did not have enough time to convey the message to Jennie what more is that they were not able to brief Lisa as she was chosen to oversee Chairman Yoon.

"Alright, please do assist them towards the VIP area. I will be there in awhile." With that being said Jennie hung up the phone.

"They are already here." Jennie then sighed. "Page Dr. Manoban immediately to meet us at the lobby, we will brief her as we go to the VIP area." Rosie could only comply to the request of the director. She immediately pinged Dr. Manoban to meet them at the lobby stating one simple word emergency.

With that they both left the Director's office. 

Rosie observed the way Jennie was walking and it shows that the doctor seemed agitated as she was walking at a very fast phase while her fist was tightly clenched.

Upon their arrival in the lobby, Jennie and Lisa bumped against each other. The former wanting to bring out the order immediately that she failed to notice her surroundings while the latter was in a hurry due to the messaged sent to her by Nurse Park that she was not able to see someone coming her way. Which led to the both of them to fall due to the collision.

"Omo are you two okay?" Rosie asked.

"Yup." Both of them answered. 

Lisa immediately dusted her self and helped Dr. Kim to stand up. She then turned to Rosie to direct her question.

"What is all the emergency about Nurse Park?" She inquired. 

"Well there is a patient that you will be attending to full time." Lisa raised her brows at the nurse as if confirming if she was kidding.

"Are you for real? Why do I need to be attending only to one patient full time?" she asked incredulously. On Lisa's perspective doctors serve the people in the best possible way that they could. Their services are not limited and does not choose regarding the patient's social status.

Jennie immediately cut through the conversation. "You are selected to be in charge with a VIP patient."

Lisa turned to look at Jennie plastering a look of disbelief. "Are you for reals?  Dr. Kim you are a doctor yourself. You do know that this is in violation of our ethics!" Lisa's voice boomed all throughout the lobby. 

Jennie immediately pulled Lisa's coat towards her making the doctor stumble. Jennie then moved closer to whisper to Lisa's ears but made sure her voice was firm and authoritative.

"You listen well Dr. Manoban. It is usually I that tends to the VIP's. If I were given a choice not to involve you in the matter, I would gladly do so knowing how righteous you are." The director's voice was dripping of sarcasm. "However, it was Mr. Kim, my father, who chose you to handle this patient. And I honestly, do not know what is his motive behind it. So you listen well, do not fail in this task or else your license will be at stake. This is not me threatening you, this me allowing you to continue your profession because I know how cruel my father can be. For all I know he did this to get back to you." To say Lisa was surprised with Jennie's explanation.

"At least this will be the last time he would drag any doctor to do the dirty other than me." She heard Jennie whisper as the directors head was bent maybe in despair and guilt, Lisa cannot really determine but she knows that there is a hint of sadness in Jennie's voice.

Unconsciously, Lisa's hand reached out and lifted Jennie's head to make the latter look at her. Lisa suddenly felt her heart clench seeing the director's state as tears flow down her face.

"Jenn-- I" She was not able to finish what she was about to say as Jennie cut her off.

Turning her back as she wiped her tears, Jennie said "let's go we should not let the VIP wait." With that Jennie head on first. 

At that sight, Lisa suddenly clenched her fist. Thoughts running on her mind. Thoughts that she knows only makes her angry.



"Lisa!" Finally gaining Lisa's attention, Rosie tapped the young doctor's arm. "Let's go." The nurse said in the softest way that she could as if she was begging Lisa to go with the flow for now.

Wanting to know the truth about everything, Lisa asked "Why are you allowing her to ruin herself like this Nurse Park?"

Stunned with the question, Rosie could only bend her head out of guilt. Shaking her head as tears flow down her face, she answered "You don't know how much guilt I carry seeing I can do nothing to prevent my best friend from ruining her life."

Lifting her head Rosie faced the young doctor "She said this was her sacrifice. A sacrifice she willingly took for the person that she dearly admires. To give that person that freedom that was long yearned and in return for Jennie to be trapped in this hell hole. I have been asking her reason but you know what she said?" Rosie asked her tears continuously flowing down from her eyes. "She said that the person sacrificed more for her even before. And when she knew about it she said that she cannot stand being happy in return of someone's misery. So she chose to be trapped in place of that person." The look of Nurse eyes were full of anger and sadness. "So I turn a blind eye knowing that what my best friend thus punishes herself more than what was intended. So please Lisa just this once, do not contradict Jennie on this." With that Nurse Park followed the path of Dr. Kim.

Please save her, she did everything for my sake. But as cowardly as it is, I cannot go back there, not when I have the freedom I have long yearned for. 

'Was that what you were talking about?' Lisa thought and with a final sigh she followed suit to where the two woman went.

1040 Words

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