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Calming myself down, I finally reached the VIP section of the hospital. As I went by the nurses greeted me to which I returned. Looking up, I stared at the room number, another patient in one of the most important rooms. VIP 1

With one final sigh, I knocked on the door to make my presence known upon the response of the person, I went inside.

What greeted me was an old man laid in his bed alone. I was looking around the entire room hoping to see his wife but she was not around.

I immediately called for the personnel who escorted Chairman Yoon in the VIP room.

"Dr. Kim you called for me?" The aid asked. To which I simply nodded. 

"Did you see where Mrs. Yoon is?" He nodded frantically.

"Mrs. Yoon was here awhile ago but minutes after their arrival she got a call and immediately left. I asked her to stay but she refuse as she needed to attend to the call which seemed urgent rather than his husband health that is." I heard him whisper the last few phrases to which I silently agreed.

Why would Mrs. Yoon leave her husband here unattended knowing that it is a hospital protocol that a relative should be present.

Minutes later Rosie had arrived panting. "Jen, Mr. Lee called and informed me that Mrs. Yoon had an emergency but she already gave her permission to admit the chairman." 

Somehow hearing those words from Roseanne angered me more. What is more important than making sure of her dying husband's comfort. I was about to start checking for the patient's condition when suddenly Lisa appeared to my side.

"I'll take it from here." She said in a deep voice. To say I was beyond confused by her words, does it mean that she would over see Chairman Yoon's condition. "He is my patient after all right, Dr. Kim?" she asked flashing her usual teasing smile to which made me smile involuntarily.

I then took her words a que for me to leave. As I headed my way towards the door, Lisa called for me.

"Dr. Kim?" I turned to look at her and raised my eyebrow as if silently asking 'what is it?'

"Since I stepped up for this one, I promise you one thing I won't let this man here die." To say I was proud that she has confidence for what she can do and based on her performance I can honestly believe in what ever she says.

"I'll count on that Manoban. Don't let me down." I said and turned to take my leave but before I could fully walk away from the room I faintly heard her mumble. "I won't"

3rd Person

Lisa immediately performed the necessary test that she needs to do. She examined the chairman well to figure out what is keeping the old man in bed despite the minimal pain. She tried using every method she can to identify what the old man was going through but it seems that she could not find out what it was.

With one defeated sigh, Lisa instructed the nurse to watch over the patient as she needs to go through with the test once again may be consult a fellow doctor and seek for their opinion as well.

Upon that thought, there is one doctor in mind and that is no other than the doctor who is well experience to such field.

Walking over to the director's office, Lisa knocked twice before she heard the response to come in.

Upon entering, she was shocked to see the doctor smiling over the person she was with over the phone. It was then when Lisa decided to clear her throat that the director had looked at her way. Jennie immediately said her farewell to the one she was talking with and face Lisa.

"Dr. Manoban, can I help you with something?" Jennie inquired.

"Dr. Kim, I have undergone all the test that was performed on Chairman Yoon but I cannot quite identify the factor that would lead to for the patient's relative to declare the patient to be in a grave condition when in fact he is not." The young doctor then presented the documents that shows the patient's test.

"So, if it would be okay? I would like to ask for your opinion regarding his tests. I might have missed out on something." Lisa explained.

"Alright,  I would go over his results. For now you take a break and will call for you once I am done assessing."  And Lisa could only flash her smile.

"Great! Thank you so much Dr. Kim." Jennie could only shake her head towards the younger's enthusiasm.

Once Lisa was out of the office, Jennie immediately scanned the results and at first glance she would agree with the findings that Dr. Manoban had. But just to make sure, Jennie opened the files of her previous patients just to compare whether or not the findings are somewhat similar. 

The director was very meticulous with her job that she made sure she checked every detail. She did so for about 3 hours until she thoroughly finished every thing and sadly no one matched the findings. There was one file who was somewhat similar but in terms of age and situation the test of the previous patient was way high than that of the chairman's.

It is quite impossible that his test passed the average level and would not match any results that states high risk. 

There are suddenly too many questions running on Jennie's mind. 

Could it be that the chairman is faking his illness?

Was his wife faking everything?

Is it possible that we accepted a patient whose condition is healthier that any other person?

With that in mind Jennie lifted her phone and called for Roseanne to inform Lisa to see her at her office as she thinks that there is something wrong behind the chairman's condition.

"Roseanne, send Dr. Manoban to my office immediately." Jennie said authoritatively after which she hung up. 

What is really happening? I need to get on the bottom of this immediately.

1023 Words

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