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3rd Person

To say everyone but Lisa was surprised by Jisoo's sudden appearance. And to say the least surprised to have Mr. Kim removed from his very own position which was his power source for all these years.

Deciding that there silence in the room Jisoo spoke "Well that was event...." but before she could finish a very loud slap echoed in the room.

Jisoo's cheek was red, imprinted by the slap of woman who was so to say mad of her.

Before Jisoo could react, the woman had stormed past her bumping hard into her shoulder which made her stumble a bit.

And the clueless newcomer merely looked at her sister and asked "What was that about?" Jennie could only shrug at her sisters obliviousness of the situation.

"I suggest you go after her. Besides you owe her an explanation, after all these years." The youngest sister suggested. Jisoo would have interjected knowing that she also needs to explain to her sister. "It is ok unnie we will talk after, go to Rosie first. She has been waiting for too long." And Jisoo could only give her sister a grateful smile after all she could not bare seeing her pasta leave like that.

After Jisoo had left to talk to Rosie, Jennie faced Lisa who has been looking at her since the arrival of her. No words were spoken between the two it was as if they were testing whether they should talk or not.

But Jennie decided to eventually talk first after all it was her fault hos they somehow fell apart.

"Lisa... I... I truly am sorry for just avoiding you and for everything that I have said. I chose my father rather than choosing us. And I am forever guilty about hurting you in that way." She pleaded bowing her head low afraid to look into the eyes of the woman she loves.

Lisa step forward and lifted Jennie's chin for the older woman to look into her eyes, she gave off an adoring look that made Jennie burst into tears. She realize that despite how many times she had done something offensive against this woman, Lisa would always forgive and accept her back. "You did nothing wrong my love you only did what you think was best. Regardless of you pushing we away I won't ever let that happen, you are all for me Jennie and I won't let you go."

And Jennie could only melt into Lisa's embrace and she could only hope that it would forever last this was after all this woman was all for her as well.


To say Jisoo was fast, her stamina is not easily spent but chasing after Roseanne Park will be the death of her, so to say the girl can run. It was only when Rosie had turned to a corner that Jisoo was able to corner her.

"Stop for a second Roseanne." Jisoo panted out of breath caused by all the running. She leaned her forehead against that of the blond nurse, hoping that the blond would meet her gaze.

But as expected Rose was being stubborn, she won't budge. Despite missing the brunette who had been gone for so long, that longing feeling that she has was outweighed by the anger that she felt when the woman in front of her had left her.

"Chaengie." But hearing her pleading voice Rosie wanted to melt into her embrace. But she knew that she should not. She needs time to accept that Jisoo is finally back.

"Please chaeng-ah, look at me please." Jisoo pleaded as she could not bear the feeling of her precious Chaeyoung ignoring her.

She knew she had hurt her lover for leaving as she did. She would have felt the same if Chaeyoung did leave her too. But Jisoo knew she had to do it or else she and her sister would forever be imprisoned in their father's shadow.

Leaving someone, sacrificing your love for a better thst was what Jisoo thought she did. And she would accept that but she won't back down until she gets her girl back.

"Not now Chu." The nurse pleaded who had finally met tge brunettes piercing gaze. However, Rosie's gaze did not match that of Jisoo's. While the brunette wore a look of longing and admiration. Rosie looked hurt and her anger was consuming her as well. She needed time.

Jisoo understood what Rose wanted thus she backed away and let her go to which the blonde hurriedly went away. It is just the first day. I have many more days to make up for the times I was away from her. The brunette thought.

As she turned she saw one of her fellow doctor. The friend she asked a huge favor for when Lisa was so drowned in sadness as Jennie avoided her.

"Bae." Irene was surprised to see Jisoo although they had talked and did some task for her friend, it had been a long time since she physically saw Jisoo.

"Kim Jisoo. You are finally back." Irene greeted with a smile. "Is it for good this time?"

"It is and you are working for me again." Jisoo jested.

"It will always be a pleasure after all you have done so much for me and Seulgi." Irene said her tone was grateful.

"You guys are my friends. It is the least that I can do." Jisoo said. "And thank you for looking out for those two." Jisoo said.

"Are you playing cupid now Jisoo? Its quite odd you vouch for Manoban for your baby sis." Irene said knowing how protective Jisoo is when it comes to Jennie.

"It is because I know she would take care of her. After all we are growing old. I am sure Lisa would not mind to spend a lifetime with Jennie." She said in deep thoughts to which Irene chuckled.

"Or maybe because you see yourself doing just the same with someone else, am I right Kim?" Irene jested and Jisoo could could only shove her friend knowing she is not wrong about it after all she is living for one person and that is Roseanne Park.

1031 Words

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