Chappie Eight: A Chapter of Cracky Proportions !

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** Hello all my lovely readers ! Here's the deal, I haven't forgotten about this story, but I'm trying to get my thoughts in order for it, because I don't want to post a chapter just to post a chapter, and have it suck and ruin the story, yanno? So, I've decided to write a crack chapter that really doesn't have anything to do with the story. Shippo-chan was the one that inspired me to write a crack chapter, so, therefore, I dedicate this work of cracky proportions to her ! Thanks for reading, guys !! **

<Tsumi's POV>

"Rei ! Reiitsu ! Reiitsu !! Rei !! REI !!"

Reiitsu turned around and snarled at me, a low, dangerous, threatening sound that didn't faze me in the least.

"What?" she asked, clearly not amused, but I was, so therefore, I didn't care what she thought.

"We're in the Leaf ! We're better than most of these guys, which means, we don't have to train super hard, we can just walk around and enjoy!" I said happily. "There's PLANTS here... and GREEN. and GRASS."

"So?" Reiitsu asked, but I didn't want to deal with her negative attitude.

"God, Reiitsu, get over yourself," I sighed, before grabbing her arm and pulling her with me, regardless of whether she wanted to come or not.

Eventually, after making sure that Reiitsu wouldn't run off, I was able to let go of her arm. She walked beside me as we strolled down the streets of Konoha, and, even though her body language told me that she wasn't interested, her eyes were darting back in forth, almost eagerly.

I rolled my eyes. "Would it kill you to admit that you're enjoying yourself?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied coolly. I crinkled my nose.


"Because I'm not giving you the satisfaction," she said, shooting a sideways glance at me, a small ghost of a smile on her lips. "You always get what you want."

I stopped walking and glared at her. "You're a jerk."

She actually giggled. "I know."

I playfully shoved her. "It wouldn't kill you to be happy," I told her. "I know you're not as cold as everyone thinks."

"I'm not as cold to you as everyone thinks," she reminded me. I groaned.

"Trying to talk to you is like going in circles," I moaned, frustrated. She rolled her icy eyes. As much as I was enjoying the fact that Reiitsu seemed to be playful today, she was rather irritating. However... two could play at that game. If anyone knew how to push her buttons, it was me.

I grabbed her arm, and started walking again. I heard her growl in protest; she hated when I drug her along with me.

"Let go," she said coldly. I smirked.

"Nope, you irritate me, I irritate you," I said. She huffed.

And that's how it started.

<Reiitsu's POV>

So Tsumika wanted to make a game of it, eh? Fine, she could have it her way. I glared at her, with so much intensity behind it that she actually winced.

"Do whatever you want.... but remember, turnabout is fair play," I said, yanking my arm away from her. She swallowed nervously, but stood her ground.

"Fine," she stated, "I'm not scared of you!"

"Yet," I said, then stalked off in the other direction. I had a plan.

<Tsumi's POV>

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