Chappie Two: Don't Look at Me Like That.

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** Just a note, most of this story will prolly be in Tsumika's POV because it's a lot more entertaining in her perspective**

<Tsumika's POV>


"Leave me alone, Tsumika."

"But Reiiiiiiiiiii...."

"I don't care how long you drag out my name, my answer remains the same."

"You two would make cute babies, though!"

Reiitsu turned to look at me, her icy eyes piercing. Of course, having grown up with her, I was used to her glare, and it only fazed me on a few occassions.. This wasn't one of them.

"Don't look at me like that," I told her. She growled and turned away. I sighed, admitting defeat. I'd grill her about it later. I may be one of the only people she wouldn't hesitate to kill, but... I wasn't gonna put my toe too far over that line to find out how long that would remain that way. "All I'm saying, Reiitsu, is that maybe you should give it a try. You and Gaara get along... well, I mean, as much as you two can get along with someone."

"Drop the subject, Tsumika," she said, her voice holding a tone of threat to it. I sighed, closing my eyes.

Today was going to be a looong day.

~FF to a little later in the day~

"Why do you bother, Tsumi?"

"Because she's my friend, Kankuro."

"Some friend she is, she wouldn't hesitate to kill you. Or any of us. Frankly, I'm more scared of her than I am of Gaara. And that's saying something."

We were sitting in a small tea shop in the village, and, as usual, the topic quickly turned to how much Kankuro couldn't stand Reiitsu. As much as I adored him as my friend (and maybe a little more than that, to be completely honest), I hated when he talked about her like she wasn't a person. Sure, she was cold and distant and... well, slightly murderous, but that didn't mean she didn't still have feelings, however scarce they may be.

"Will you stop slandering her? You know I hate that," I told him. He sighed, waving his hand dismissively.

"She can't hear me."

"No, but I can," I said. "And I'm only easy going until you piss me off."

He grimaced. "I know, I know. Believe me, I know." He unconsciously rubbed his shoulder... the exact same shoulder that I kindly dislocated for him after he had the guts to call Reiitsu a freakshow. You'd think he'd have learned his lesson when I broke his rib after he called her a demon... but nope. I contemplated which part of him to break if he kept on with his slandering session. I got some nasty ideas, and wondered briefly if Rei had rubbed off on me.

"Look, I just think you should watch yourself, Tsumika," he said. When I gave him a look, he sighed. "Don't look at me like that. You know what I mean. She could snap at any second, and, given that you're the only one who dares to venture within 10 feet of her, ---"

What would happen to me, I never found out. I kicked his shin under the table, causing him to lose his sentence, instead uttering a colorful word that I decided to tuck away for later use. I stood up, whacked him upside the head, and left without another word.

If he kept talking about her like that, I might just let her go after him. Lord knows that she hates him as much as he hates her.

~FF to that evening~

I walked into our small home, kicking off my shoes. I was greeted by a soft, sweet chirping, and I looked over to see Rei's bird sitting on her perch. I stroked her head, causing her to coo happily. I loved this bird... and so did Rei. Something I pointed out to people who said she wouldn't know emotions if they bit her on the nose.

"Reiitsu, are you home?" I called. When I didn't hear a response, I cautiously ventured to her room. The door was shut. "Rei?" I tried the handle. Locked.

"Reiitsu, it's me!" I called softly through the closed door. No answer. Alright then... plan B. I delivered a swift, forceful kick to the door, and it swung open on one hinge. I sighed, knowing I'd have to fix it for the 3rd time that week. I kept telling her not to lock the door... but of course, she wouldn't listen.

She was standing beside her bed, holding a book in her hands. She looked up when she heard the door crack, and her expression was slightly startled.

"Tsumi, you could have knocked." I looked at her.

"I did."

"No... you didn't. You tried the handle, and I was just about to get the door when you kicked it off the hinges," she said. I flushed.

"Er... Well, I called for you!" I said defensively. She held up the book.

"I wasn't listening."

"Obviously not," I grumbled, falling onto her bed. "If you'd quit locking the blasted door, we wouldn't have this problem."

She responded with a rare giggle, sitting beside me, and I couldn't help but smile in return. I sat up, resting my chin on her shoulder as she opened her book again.

"What are you doing?"


She turned to look at me the best she could. I giggled.

"Don't look at me like that, Reiitsu."

**Otay, end of Chappie 2 ! Well, it's the second chapter, but the first actual part of the story ! I thought I did pretty good... not to pat myself on the back, haha. What do you guys think ? Do you like Tsumika and Reiitsu ? It's probably too early to tell... anyhoo, I'm rambling ! Peace out guys !! :3 **

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