Chappie Seven: To The Leaf !

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<Tsumika's POV>

"The Chunin Exams, hunh?"

I nodded, walking beside Reiitsu back to our cozy home. We had just come back from talking to Baki. Rei seemed to be deep in her own thoughts, as usual. However, she seemed to have forgotten she had been ignoring me, so, that was a bonus.

"Why sign us up? They need three man teams... There's only two of us," Reiitsu said. "And I doubt that Tori counts."

"I don't know," I admitted, "But apparently an acception has been made, and we're in."

Rei sighed. "This feels wrong."

I shrugged. "Come on Reiitsu, it's the Chunin Exams! Aren't you even a little excited?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I don't get excited, Tsumika, but I'm intrigued," she said, and I groaned.

"Lighten up a little," I said, pushing open the door to our little home. I could have been mistaken, but I almost swore I heard her laugh.

"Right," she said. "I'll be packing if you need me..." she trailed off, walking into her room. I bit my lip thoughtfully.

That was probably a good idea.

~~FF to the next day~~

<Reiitsu's POV>

"To the Leaf !!" Tsumika shouted, jumping on Kankuro's back. I almost laughed when he fell over. He deserved it. Beside us, Temari sighed, telling them off for playing around. Tsumika stuck her tongue out, and continued to sit on Kankuro, despite the swear words and threats he was throwing at her.

Gaara scoffed beside me, and I silently agreed with his nonverbal statement. It was annoying. We were supposed to leave for the Leaf an hour ago, Baki wasn't here, and Tsumika was playing games with Kankuro. Tori chirped softly from my shoulder, and I absent-mindedly reached up to stroke her soft feathers.

"What are they doing?" Gaara asked. I looked over to see Tsumika slap Kankuro across the face, yelling something about him being a pervert. I shook my head.

"They're holding us up," I said truthfully. A question popped into my head. "Gaara?"


"Why do you think they're sending us off to the Chunin Exams?" I asked. He looked at me, and I could tell he didn't understand my question. I tried again.

"Normally, you and I aren't really let out of the village," I explained. "We're kept under close watch and almost total lockdown, seeing as how we're both considered weapons of mass terror." He looked forward, staring at nothing in particular as he thought.

"Who cares?" was his response. I opened my mouth, but he continued, taking me by surprise. "It is strange, but if it benefits us, why should we care?"

I shrugged. I agreed with him, partly. It was benefitting us, we hardly ever got to leave this blasted place. However... something still felt wrong. I didn't voice my thoughts, but pondered them silently.

Gaara watched me, but didn't press me to say what I was thinking. He probably didn't really care. I thought back for the millionth time about what Tsumika kept saying, about how "in love" we were. I was starting to annoy myself with how much I was thinking about this. I was annoyed all these unanswered questions, and I was annoyed at Tsumika for making me ask them to myself.

As we stood there in silence, watching as Baki, who had finally arrived, chewed out Tsumika and Kankuro for fooling around, I once again thought of how wrong she really was. If people were in love, they cared about each other's thoughts and opinions, didn't they? They talked, they laughed, they just... CARED. Gaara's silence and apathy told me that he didn't care. But the real question was...

Why the hell did I care whether he cared or not ?

~~FF a few days because I have no inspiration for this chapter and I just want to finish it~~

<Still Rei's POV>

We arrived at the Leaf, and we were informed that we were staying in a quaint little hotel. Upon walking in the door, Tsumika sighed, threw her bags on the floor, and passed out cold on the couch. I felt a small smile tug on my lips, before throwing a blanket over her and moving her bags out of the way. I hadn't gotten a chance to ask her more about what love really was... It's not like I wanted to have the conversation, but my own emotions were starting to worry me, and if they got too out of control... I shuddered, trying not to remember the last time I had lost control of this hellacious being that was inside of me. No, this being that WAS me.

I curled up in the window, looking out at the night sky. The moon was the same, but the sky looked so different here... Tori perched on my knees, rubbing her head against my cheek, chirping softly.

Millions of thoughts raced through my tired head at a thousand miles per hour. Why was I here? Why did something feel strange? Was I imagining it? More importantly, why was I losing control of my feelings? Why did I even HAVE them? What was happening to me? Was I really falling in love? Or was I starting to think I was, just because Tsumika kept saying it? I leaned my head against the window, my eyes closed. One thing I knew for sure was that I felt different. I wasn't sure if it was good different or bad different. All I knew is that it was strange. I sighed.

What was happening to me..?

**Hi. Yes, I know this chapter sucked, I'm sorry. It took me three days to write it, as I had no inspiration WHATSOEVER, and this was more of a filler chapter anyway. There was literally like one or two things that NEEDED to happen in this chapter, but if I didn't add more it would've been like 300 words or less. So yes, I'm sorry, I know it's awful, please bear with me. I know pretty much what I'm going to do from here on out, so... yeah. I'm rambling slightly because it makes the chapter seem longer. Once again, I'm sorry it sucked so bad, and that's it's short. Not gonna lie,
Probably gonna post a total crack chapter next, because I have an idea for one!! Thanks for sticking with me ! **

-Rei :3

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