Chappie Four: Befriending Monsters.

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<Kankuro's POV>

I hadn't seen Tsumika in several days. While it was normal for her to totally ignore and avoid me when I pissed her off, normally she'd come around after a day or two. This time, however, that wasn't the case. So here I was, standing outside of her house, debating whether or not to knock. I wasn't scared of Tsumika (well, okay, I wasn't that scared of Tsumika), but her friend? She scared the life out of me.

Deciding that I'd rather knock than have her look out her window and see me standing here, I knocked on the door a few times. About 30 seconds later, the door opened. Of course it wasn't Tsumika, I wouldn't get that lucky. Instead, I was staring into the icy eyes of Reiitsu Torizuka.

Her eyes flashed with obvious annoyance and dislike. You think she'd get used to me dropping by, but no, she never did. Not that I cared, I didn't like her either. And she knew that. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice carefully level. Being the endearing person I was, I couldn't just state my purpose.

"I want to see Tsumika," I said. "Or have you finally killed her?" I wish I hadn't said it. I honestly didn't know why I did. Reiitsu growled, a low, threatening sound, and lashed out at me. Thankfully, I ducked, and, by that time, Tsumika had appeared in the doorway.

"What's going on, Rei?" she asked. Then she saw me.

<Tsumika's POV>

I heard a knock at the door, and stood up to get it. As I walked out of my room, though, I saw Reiitsu already making her way towards the door. Shrugging, I sat back down on my bed, picking up my flute and gently polishing the wood. I hadn't used it in forever, and, if I didn't practice soon, my genjutsu tactics would pretty much be useless. I raised the flute to my lips, and, and that exact moment, I heard Reiitsu's low, threatening growl. Sighing, I set the flute aside, wondering what was going on.

I walked to the door, and saw none other than Kankuro. He looked at me, and, by the look on his face, I was guessing he just avoided whatever Rei had either thrown at him, or whatever she had tried to hit him with. I sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked, still not completely forgiving him for what he had said the other day. With a wary look at Rei, he answered.

"I wondered where you had run off to," he said. "I haven't seen you in a few days."

"There's a reason for that," I told him. He shrugged.

"Yeah, but normally you come around again after a day or two," he told me. "It's been about 4 days."

"And your point?"

"I just wondered how mad you still were," he said. I saw Reiitsu open her mouth, and I elbowed her gently. Surprisingly, she shut her mouth. I stood silent for a moment, then turned to Rei.

"Hit him again," I said, turning to walk away. I could practically sense the wicked grin on her face as I heard her fist connect with his nose, and then heard the satisfying slam of the door. Feeling only slightly guilty, I walked back into my room, picking up my flute. I'd apologize later, but... I felt that he deserved that. After all, he asked how mad I was... there was his answer.

~~FF to a little later in the afternoon~~

Finally deciding that I felt bad for sending Rei after Kankuro, I left the house, looking for him. After 20 minutes of wandering around, I finally found him sitting on a bench. He had what looked like Crow's arm in his lap. I wondered briefly what he was doing with it, but before I could ponder longer, he looked up and saw me. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't get up to walk away. So, I plopped down beside him, crossing my legs and sighing.

"Yes, I'm sorry that I let Reiitsu punch you," I said. "But I felt that you deserved it. And besides, I told you that one day, I was going to let her come after you." He huffed.

"The 'I'm sorry' would have been enough," he said. I giggled.

"Yes, but that's not really how I roll, is it?" I asked. He sighed, but finally allowed himself to smile.

"No, it isn't," he agreed. "I guess I'm sorry too. I just worry about you."

I laughed. "Oh?"

He winked. "I worry about your judgement."

I rolled my eyes. "Here it comes," I groaned. My judgement wasn't exactly the clearest. I wasn't stupid, but... I'll admit, sometimes, I acted with my heart. And if my heart wanted me to threaten a band of 30 rouge ninjas that I could take them down single-handedly... well, then my mouth tended to relay the message, before my mind could inform my mouth that it was an idiotic move to do so. He looked at me.

"I'm serious ! Remember the rouge ninja incident?"

"Considering you frequently remind me, yes," I said. He chuckled.

"Not to mention that you seem to enjoy befriending monsters," he added. I growled.

"Did you learn nothing from earlier?" I asked. He shrugged.

"You are the only person I know that is brave enough to befriend both my brother and Reiitsu," he said softly. Taken aback by the uncharacteristic lack of snark in his voice, I didn't interrupt, and he continued. "It's brave, and admirable, but if you don't watch your back, Tsumi, you're going to get hurt. I don't like Reiitsu. You know that, and she knows it, too. My brother scares me senseless, but some part of me loves him. So I'm not just saying it out of spite for your friend."

I was slightly shocked. Yes, Kankuro tended to open up to me more than he did to anyone, but that comes with growing up with someone. We trusted each other. And yes, I did have slight feelings for the guy. However... I had never really heard him this sincere. I decided to contain my anger, and let him finish. "Then what are you saying it out of?" I asked. He looked at me.

"If Gaara wouldn't hesitate to kill me and Temari, then, if pushed enough, Reiitsu wouldn't hesitate to kill you. I just think you should be more careful," he said. I wondered briefly if this conversation had been triggered by the unknown incident yesterday that had driven Reiitsu to tears. Deciding to just let him say his piece, and not bother asking him questions, I nodded.

"I appreciate your concern, Kankuro," I said, catching him by surprise, "I really do. However, I believe that Reiitsu would never kill me. Maybe lash out once or twice... but... that's a risk I'm willing to take." Before he could interject, I continued. "Besides, I'm not befriending monsters... I'm befriending the people who bear the burden of carrying the monsters..." I stood up, stretching. "Maybe if you took the same approach, you'd make a little progress with Gaara... and Rei," I finished. I kissed his cheek, before heading home to question Reiitsu, leaving him sitting there, slightly stunned.

****So, another chappie finished ! Sorry if this one seems a little random, I was trying to get it finished before I did some work around the house ! I guess this is turning out to be a love story within a love story... Not what I meant it to be, but, hey, I guess if it helps the plotline.. so be it ! :3 See you next chapter!! :3****

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