Chappie Six: Wait....What?

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**Hey guys, college is kicking my butt so things may be pretty slow on the updating issue... However, I take my major test on Thursday so hopefully after that I'll be a little quicker...I was going to prewrite the whole story, but in that case, this story may never get finished.... Anyway, I'm doing the best I can, so bear with me !! :3**

*Several Days Later....*

<Tsumi's POV>

I was so furious with myself for trying to push Rei beyond her comfort zone, because now, she was avoiding me completely. I didn't regret trying, because someone needed to knock some sense into that head of hers, but... It just sucked when the person you considered to be your best friend was pretending you didn't exist. I briefly wondered whether she was giving me a taste of what she went through every day, but quickly pushed the thought away, not wanting to believe that Reiitsu would do something like that, especially to me. I sighed, slipped on my shoes, and walked out the door, tired of being completely ignored.

I was halfway down my walkway when I saw Kankuro running towards me. I looked at him, curious. He didn't seem to be in utter panic, which was always good. I had a fleeting thought of him running up and sweeping me off my feet, but I shook my head and fought back the slight blush. Bad Tsumi, now is not the time for corny and love-struck fantasies.

"Hey, Tsumika!" he called, stopping in front of me, "I was just about to come and find you!"

"You... did come find me," I said, and he gave me a look.

"Whatever, the point is, you need to go see Baki-sensei... and so does Reiitsu. We have to get everything in order, because we leave for the Leaf in a few days."

"Wait...what?" I asked. "Why?" He grinned.

"The Chunin Exams."

<Rei's POV>

It's not like I wanted to ignore Tsumika...Alright, I did. Every time I got near her, she shot me this forlorn look, like she had no idea why I was ignoring her. Like she didn't already know. I was sick of her little speeches about what a wonderful person I am, because, no matter how much she believes it, I don't. I knew she said those things hoping it would make me feel better, but, in reality, it just hurt more, because I knew that, deep down, she was genuinely afraid of what I could do to her if I snapped... Which was the other reason I was staying well away from her. My head was throbbing, and I knew if something happened... I didn't want her to be in the line of fire.

I laid on my bed, my face in my pillow, trying to get my pounding headache under control. Last night, I had snuck out without Tsumika's knowing, and met with Gaara atop the village entrance. Sometimes, the two of us sat on the sand terraces, looking at the desert. We didn't talk much, but... it felt somewhat comforting to know that, for even a little while, we weren't being hated, glared at, or called names.

~~Flashback, previous night~~

I sat silently atop the terraces guarding the village entrance, the moonlight making my fair skin look like it was glowing. Tsumika always joked and said that I needed to get a little more sun, unless I wanted to be a marshmallow my entire life, not that I really cared what I looked like. Who did I have to impress? The wind was blowing my hair into my eyes, and, frustrated, I twisted it into a braid, waiting patiently for Gaara to arrive. We had planned this meeting a few nights ago, and I was hoping he hadn't forgotten. I didn't have to wait much longer, and I soon felt his presense beside me. I looked over at him as he sat down.

"There's a welt on your cheek," he said. I looked back out at the desert.

"There was an incident in the village a few days ago," I told him, my voice soft, "it's not a big deal."

After that, there wasn't any conversation. We sat there, in total silence, listening to the wind and watching as it moved small sand clouds from one place to the next. The silence wasn't awkward, but comforting.We didn't need the noise or the small talk. At the moment, it just felt... nice to be...well, together.

~~End Flashback~~

I couldn't see why Tsumika thought we were in love. I replayed the scene from last night over and over in my head. Yes, it was comforting, and yes, it felt nice to be around him. But when I thought of love, I saw the way Tsumika acted around Kankuro, though she'd never admit it. I saw the happy couples holding hands, laughing together. I saw parents with their children. I quickly shut that last thought down, as it brought back memories I didn't want to revisit. The point was, two people sitting in silence wasn't love. I don't know what Tsumika was seeing, but she was dead wrong. Demons don't love. And let's face it, that's what Gaara and I were... Weren't we?

There was a knock on my door, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood up, walking over to the door and pulling it open. Tsumika was standing there.

"Yes?" I asked her. She looked at me, like she was expecting me to say more. I didn't. She sighed.

"We need to go see Baki," she said. I tilted my head, confused.


She sighed again. "We're going to the Leaf..."

"Wait... what? Why?" I asked, startled. Last I checked, I wasn't allowed to leave the village... what with being a threat to people and all.

She looked at me steadily. "I'll explain on the way," she said. I paused, then sighed.


**Another chapter done!! What do you guys think?? I know there isn't much "love" in this love story yet, but believe me, it'll come ! I have most of this story planned, it's just finding time to write the whole thing out... Anyway, yeah. I'll try to update weekly, but no promises. I have all the later chapters planned, it's just the chapters before them that's my problem. Pretty sure there's gonna be a crack chapter in here because I have all these stupid ideas and nothing to do with them, so... Enjoy ! :3**

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