Chapter XXVI - Practice Makes Perfect

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Saturday 18th, April, 13:00.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

After having fallen asleep once the Talon had disappeared, Naruto had woken up about five hours later with a painful crick in his neck. He spent the next two hours thinking over everything that had happened the previous day as well as his conversation with the Talon earlier this morning.

And that was one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.

Naruto had felt a mixture of emotions: sadness, hurt, betrayal and above all else; anger.

Anger at the Talon.

Anger at Batman and Robin.

Anger at Barbara.

And above all else, anger at himself.

He didn't really know what to do or how to deal with this and so had gone out. Getting dressed in his Black Hood uniform and made his way out onto the streets of Gotham. He stopped a few small time drugs dealers and nothing else and so had returned home after an hour of venting his anger, it lessened but it was still there. However, his anger was still shimmering beneath the surface.

That's when he saw the gloves still there on his coffee table. Having ignored their existence all morning, it brought back memories of what the Talon had said and what he planned to do.

In a way, Naruto could understand the Talons point of view and even agreed with parts of it. But at the same time, he didn't like the idea of innocent people getting killed. Sure, the Talon had been correct that saving Gotham was only a by-product of his quest to save Jim and Barbara, the latter apparently not having needed his protection at all. Even so, he didn't want innocent people to die and children to be made orphans like he had.

And that's what left Naruto torn.

If the Talon was right and he could save Gotham, would there be a way to do it without killing people.

The chances of that were slim and Naruto knew it, still Naruto had tried to think of ways to save the innocents while letting the criminals and the corrupted kill each other in the chaos caused by the Courts plans.

Then that beggared the question as to what would happen next?

Even if the Courts plans worked and the Talon betrayed them, how would he be able to take control. The Court had the undead Talons under their control, so unless the Talon had a way to take control of them then they would have to find a way to kill what was already dead. Then there was the problem of all the Courts agents, it was no stretch of the imagination to think that the Court had many agents scattered throughout the city just waiting for the right moment.

What happened if the Talon couldn't ensure their loyalty? Would they rebel and cause more chaos? Or would they go into hiding biding their time to strike at just the right moment to ruin it all?

And this all depended on if the Talon was being truthful about his plans.

Who's to say that the Talon wasn't just trying to manipulate Naruto and use him for his own agenda and plans?

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