Chapter V - Disagreement

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Thursday 26th, February, 23:00.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

Barbara Gordon hummed a tune to herself quietly as she sat upon the couch just adding the finishing touches to her assignment due in tomorrow. The only sound besides her humming was the sound of the TV playing in the background and the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom.

The week had been relatively simple, almost normal as she and Naruto fell back into the routine of things. Naruto for all intents and purposes had become his usual self, sure he still had moments where some of his injuries flared with pain, but they were far and few between. It was a great relief to Barbara, who for the first time had truly been terrified of losing her best friend. Not even any of his older injuries had been this bad, for the first time she had faced the fact that her best friend might die and her heart clenched painfully at the thought.

"In other news, reports have come in from all over the city at the rise of a new vigilante that the people of Gotham are calling, Black Hood." The news reporter, a elderly woman wearing a business outfit informed the populace of Gotham. Beside her, on the screen, a blurred image of what appeared to be the figure of a man wearing all black clothing with a hood pulled obscuring his face from the camera completely. "He was reported to be seen fighting numerous gangsters belonging to the criminal known as Black Mask. This has been the third sighting of him and the police encourage the people of Gotham to come forth with any knowledge they might have on this vigilante."

"What're they on about?" Barbara turned around to see Naruto leaning against the doorframe in a white muscle shirt and shorts as he looked at the screen in confusion.

He had actually not really been focused upon the TV nor anything really, but Barbara. The blonde had always known that he had feelings for the girl and just seeing her here, in his room, so relaxed and unbothered by the day's events had really driven home how much he cared for her.

How much he wanted to keep her safe.

Yet he knew, that keeping her safe would be much harder than simply hiding her from the world. Gotham wasn't a place for someone as good as her, the city was a place where innocence went to die. The fact that Barbara and people his age were still innocent was a point in Batman and his Bat families' favour. But criminals needed to be shown that their actions had consequences and Naruto knew that they would never cross that line.

'Sometimes, the world doesn't need another hero.' He thought back to something the elderly man, Hiruzen who used to live next door to him before passing away. He was kind and had practically helped Naruto live and had also taught him various martial arts. 'What it needs, is a monster.' He smiled ruefully, becoming a monster to keep the criminals in line isn't exactly something he had planned to be doing, but if no one else was going to do it, then he would, for Barbara. Or at least that's what he told himself.

Always for Barbara, but never with her.

"Nothing much, just a new vigilante." Barbara shook her head with a frown as Naruto moved to sit down next to her. "He's been called Black Hood."

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now