Chapter XXVIII - Grandmaster

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

"And for your sake, I hope it is the right one because I promise, you will not like the consequences."

Naruto remained silent, glaring at the Talon in anger as the man waited patiently for Naruto's answer.

"Come now, you really believe that you can survive in this world on your own? Don't be ridiculous." The Talon said amusedly. "Batman is a far better fighter than you in every way and yet, he still requires the assistance of his sidekicks and was a founding member of the Justice League. If heroes like Superman and Batman require help, then what hope do you have to make a difference in this world alone."

Naruto continued to remain silent, his eyes turning to look over the Talon's shoulder and watching the three heroes fight. They were good, far better than him even if he could put up a fight against Barbara and Robin.

'Maybe the Talons right.' Naruto wondered in thought. 'I'm not as good as them and they rely on each other to thrive in this world whereas I'm just barely manage to scrape by. Maybe I do need help.'

His eyes then turned to the Talon once more.

If things continued and Batman couldn't stop them then what chance did he have on his own. Batman was good, extremely so and while he didn't know just how good nor how good the Talon was, the latter seemed fairly confident that he could beat Batman. If not, the Talon was still sure that he could hold Batman off for a long time, long enough for someone – the Undead Talons most likely – to come to his aide.

While Barbara and Robin were good, even Naruto could see that if it wasn't for Batman, they would be overwhelmed fairly quickly.

And if the Talon could beat Batman without the help of the undead Talons then the result would still be the same. Batman, Barbara and Robin would lose and Gotham would fall. If that was the case then nothing could save Jim or Barbara, certainly not him on his own.

While the two days of training he had undergone had certainly helped him improve greatly, turning his brawlish and formless style into a more fluid one. Even then, he hadn't managed to land a single hit on the Talon which told him one of two things. He was stronger than Batman, or that blow he landed against Batman was lucky.

Either way, the result remained the same, if he didn't join the Talon now nothing would stop the Talon from killing Barbara and Jim.

'I didn't ask you to become Black Hood! To become a murder!'

Just as Naruto went to answer, his mind replayed the words Barbara had told him days ago.

'I didn't ask you to become Black Hood! To become a murder!'

Closing his mouth, Naruto clenched his fists tightly as the words once more played in his mind. Barbara was right, she didn't ask him to become a murder, to become Black Hood even if he had done it to save her. She wouldn't accept his help and would spurn him, if not hate him if he helped the Talon and so would Jim.

He couldn't betray them like that.

To become a murder!

His mind fixated itself on those few words and Naruto released a sigh of what sounded like defeat to the ears of the Talon. "I see you've finally accepted that everyone must pick a side at some point in life."

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now