Chapter XL - End of Killer Croc

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-


Again Naruto picked up the sound as he slowly shifted his footing.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

More and more footsteps were heard as simple steps turned into fast movements. Before taking the serum, in the darkness of the sewer, it would have been impossible for Naruto to make out the sight of the shadowed figure bursting around the corner. He would have only been able to see the figure when he was almost upon him and within the narrowed corridor, it would be all but impossible to avoid it in time.

This was why he had wanted to avoid coming into the sewer.

The narrowed structure of the sewer, plus the size and impressive speed of Killer Croc would have made it near impossible to come out alive. That was even if he was at full health.

However, Naruto was better than before and thanks to his improved eyesight, managed to pick out the sight of Killer Croc as he burst round the bend, his claws digging into the wall to stop him from sliding further down.

Naruto didn't even freeze, his body moved seamlessly and with practised movements, unholstered his pistols and fired.

The bullets wouldn't do any damage and so he only fired a few, but they weren't meant to do anything.

Except draw Killer Croc's attention.

"You!" Waylon growled before with a roar charged towards Naruto.

Crouching his body down, Naruto tensed the muscles in his leg and burst towards Killer Croc with speed even greater than he had ever felt before. The only reason he was able to actually keep up with the speeds he was moving at was due to his mind which had been boosted to absorb information nine times more effectively than a normal person.

His eyes flickered across the sides of the sewers as he and Killer Croc drew closer and closer.

With another roar, Killer Croc thrust his head forwards and his mouth opened showing jagged teeth covered in saliva. However, Naruto had already moved as he dropped to the floor, skidding threw the murky waters of the sewers between Killer Croc's legs and out the other side.

Quickly rising to his feet Naruto continued to rush down the sewers as Killer Croc turned around and gave chase. Even with a head start and his enhanced speed, Killer Croc was still closing that gap between them.

But that's what Naruto had expected and wanted.

Hearing Killer Croc drawing closer and closer, Naruto waited until just the right moment and leaped to one side, his feet pushing off the side of the wall and jumped up higher, his claws digging into roof as he pulled his body up till he laid flat against the roof. Killer Croc who had leaned down to bite Naruto once again went straight past.

Naruto used this to his advantage and while dropping to the ground pulled out one of the few grenades he had managed to 'acquire' from a few unsavoury individuals who would no longer be dealing in weapons for a very long time, Naruto had made sure of that and threw it at Killer Croc

As soon as it came into contact with Killer Croc's armoured skin, it exploded filling the sewer with a thick cloud of smoke and Naruto could make out the sight of the Killer Croc stood there. His armoured skin lightly singed, but nothing major.

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