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I have never regretted doing something more in my life.

What was I thinking? Going to a party? I really shouldn't have come.

Why I let my friends talk me into coming to one of the former baseball player's fourth of July party, I will never know. Though I use the term friends lightly, more like people I hang out with occasionally. I mean, those 'friends' ditched me at the door as soon as we got here. I have been here for two hours now and have only spotted them once and no, they didn't even talk to me the one time we did.

I guess they were sort of distracted.

Last I saw, Molly was making out with some guy, who I don't know the name of. It looked to me like they were more so slobbering all over each though. And Nora? She was off playing Beer Pong in the living room.

Almost an hour has passed since then. I can only assume by now that Molly is off in some random room in this house sleeping with the guy. Also yuck. Who knows how many people have had sex in any of the bedrooms in this house tonight? As for Nora, I'm sure she's drunk off her ass by now. I probably should be worried that she's drunk at a party, but I'm not. I'm sure this isn't the first time she's been so drunk that she could barely stand. Plus Chad, a guy who's totally in love with her, a fact she's completely clueless about, has probably been following her around all night like a little lost puppy. Going off the rumors that I have heard about these parties, he is usually the one that takes her home, so she'll be fine.

I feel bad for Chad though, because Nora is a complete snob and will never give him the time of day. If she's going to date a guy, he has to be rich and handsome.

Which is both what Chad is not: cute, not handsome, and middle class not rich.

I can only hope he finds a girl who will truly deserve him someday cause he is a sweet guy.

Taking a sip of my now warm beer, nearly gagging at the disgusting taste, I glance around the room, my gaze never settling on one thing for long. Wouldn't want a guy to think I'm looking at him and want him to approach me, you know?

I don't see why people like parties. All I see is a bunch of teenagers doing stupid shit, stupid shit that they will more than likely regret tomorrow.

"Looking good, baby girl."

I glance up towards the heavens, silently asking if someone up there hates me, and sent this guy to torture me. I was hoping to be left alone, but I guess not. I scrunch my nose up, completely disgusted by being called a baby girl. I mean, seriously, can't a guy just approach you and say hey for once? I can deal with a simple hey but looking good baby girl?

Yeah, hell no.

When I turn around, I spot a guy I have never seen before. He doesn't go to my school that I do know. Or well, he didn't, since all the seniors graduated a few weeks ago. He's probably from the next town over and got invited by someone.

He would have been cute, but calling me baby girl instantly put me off.

He has dark brown hair with natural lighter brown highlights, brown eyes, and he has one dimple on the right side of his mouth. Yet the way he's leering at me like a piece of meat makes him unattractive, even if he didn't just call me that awful pet name.

"Uh-huh. How many girls have you said that to tonight?" I ask him, taking another drink of my warm beer. I never break eye contact with him, making sure he can tell that I am not interested even the slightest bit.

He only thinks I look good cause I'm wearing a tight-fitting black dress, which leaves little to the imagination. A black dress that hangs a little too low at the top and rides up on my thighs way too high. I guarantee that if I was wearing just a t-shirt and jeans, he wouldn't have approached me. I have been wishing all night that I did wear a t-shirt and jeans. I'm not much of a dress girl. I prefer comfy clothes that cover me in places I don't want showing, like my chest and thighs.

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