Chapter Thirty

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After the whole new year's shock, I haven't seen Cage as much, which is understandable. We have only seen him twice in two weeks. He still calls and texts every day and keeps me updated on everything about Catch. So far it seems like he really does want to get his life together they both have even gone to their parent's house. I think if Catch just wanted money he wouldn't be trying to fix his relationship with his parents.

I hope Catch does get his life together not just for his own sake but for Cage's too. He may not have said it when we talked about him a few weeks ago but I know not having Catch in his life is difficult.

I want Cage to have his brother back in his life, a sober brother.

To get my mind off everything I decided to try and make something I haven't ever served at my bakery before. Peppermint cheesecake, I feel it will be a good wintertime dessert, and depending on how it turns out I might start selling it before spring.

I have seen recipes for it that people are using Oreos for the crust, I didn't want to do that and figured my homemade chocolate graham crackers would be perfect instead. Before I do anything I preheat the oven to three hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Then I put the crackers in a food processor and blended them until it was like a fine sand, adding about two tablespoons of butter to give it the consistency of wet sand. In my standing mixer, I added an eight-ounce package of cream cheese that has been softened to room temperature, one and one-fourth cups granulated sugar, two-thirds cups of sour cream, three eggs, one teaspoon vanilla extract, one half teaspoon peppermint extract, one-fourth cup plus one tablespoon of crushed peppermints, and finally three drops of red food coloring. I set the mixer to a low speed so it doesn't make a mess, and while that is mixing I get the cracker crumbs pressed evenly into a ten-inch round springform pan, then sprinkling half a tablespoon of crushed peppermints on top of that.

I stop the mixer and remove the whisk from the mixer, leaving it in the bowl so I can scrape off the cheesecake mix. The mix is a pretty pale red color that will look amazing once the cheesecake is cooked. I scrape the sides of the bowl and the whisk, throwing the whisk in the huge kitchen sink, then I pour the cheesecake mix into the cake pan leveling it out and getting it as smooth as possible.

The cheesecake will take about forty to forty-five minutes to bake, so while it is baking I go to the front and take over the register for Hannah since her shift is almost over.

I really need to hire another person, since I fired Jay not too long ago. So glad I did he was a terrible employee, his mom even came in to ask if I would reconsider firing him. After I explained how bad of an idea that would be for my business she understood and was shocked by his behavior.

"Hey Hannah," I say when I walk out of the kitchen.

"Hi Rory, you coming to take over the register?"

"Yeah, your shift is almost over anyway. You can take off early."

"Are you sure? I can stay longer," Hannah looks at all the tables that are filled with customers.

It's sweet of her to offer to stay longer because there are quite a few customers, but I can handle it. I mean I worked two jobs and while doing that raised twin boys this is a piece of cake. I snort at the pub and send Hannah on her way.

I'm putting more pastries in the display case when the bell above the door rings.

"Welcome to Sugar Rush I'll be with you in just a moment," I put the last pastry in the case then stand up.

Pleasantly surprised when I see Cage, Catch steps out from behind Cage, and my mouth almost falls open in shock.

He is almost unrecognizable from when I saw him on new year's. His hair is much shorter, and so much healthier. The dark eye bags underneath his gray-blue eyes, which are grayer than Cage's, are significantly lighter. He still needs to gain more weight but all in all he looks healthy.

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