Chapter Twenty-four

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I asked my parents to watch the boys tonight so Cage and I can have an actual second date tonight. Neither of us felt like going out to dinner, so we're staying in at my place and I'm cooking.

I figured tonight would be a good night for us to talk about everything.

I don't want to continue with our relationship without having everything out in the open. I want him to get all the answers to his questions, not only that though, I want the answers to mine too.

I want to know what happened that night.

Why when I woke up he was gone without even a note.

I want us to work, to others, we might be moving along too fast. Considering we have only been in each other's lives again for a little over a month now. The truth is that I fell in love with him one night eight years ago. People might think it was just puppy love, teenagers having fun. It wasn't though it felt like more, he felt like home then. I was too young then to realize what that meant.

Cage is the one, as cliche as that may seem, I know it to be a fact.

Deciding I better get dinner going I grab a baking dish out of one of the lower cupboards. Drizzle some olive oil in the pan and then get some chicken thighs out of the fridge. I place them all in the pan then season them with salt, pepper, onion powder, and some fresh oregano.

I put that in the oven at three hundred and fifty degrees once it's preheated. When the chicken is about halfway done I start to get a pan of water boiling for fettuccine noodles.

I'm making chicken Alfredo with homemade garlic bread and a salad on the side. I know Cage has said he's liked my cooking before but everything I have ever made him was simple. It was all just stuff I threw together in less than thirty minutes. I guess I'll see if Cage likes my cooking tonight cause that Alfredo sauce? It's not coming from a jar.

Two hours later the food is done and I'm all dressed.

I'm wearing a cute rose blush skater dress, a simple long gold heart necklace that the boys got me for mothers day a few years back, and short light brown ugg boots.

There are perks to not going out to eat.

There's a knock at the door and I quickly finish setting the table, placing a fork down then I go get the door.

I open it to find Cage looking as handsome as ever. He's wearing dark blue jeans and I can see a blue, black, and white flannel sticking out from underneath his zipped-up Carhart coat.

"Hey, Rory you look gorgeous," He takes me in from head to toe, then leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you, you look very handsome as well," That earns me a grin from him and then he comes inside shutting the door behind him.

"Something smells amazing. What did you make?"

"Homemade chicken Alfredo, garlic bread, and salad on the side." I take his coat from him and hang it up in the closet near the door.

He follows me into the kitchen, and I dish him up some food for him, once we both have our food I sit down across from him at my dark stained wood four-person table.

Cage takes a bite and groans.

Sounds like a groan of satisfaction.

"This is so good Sugar," Cage shovels another bite of food into his mouth and closes his eyes as he chews.


I never thought I would hear him call me that again. I think the reappearance of an old nickname would be a good way to bring up the past.

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