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Hello my amazing readers, if you don't follow me than you probably missed the update on my wall, and that's okay.. First off I would just like to apologize for vanishing, I haven't really had any motivation for writing. I only just recently started writing again, which brings me to what I'm making this post about.

I have finished writing the rewritten prequel of TPN, Cage My Heart!

The first two chapters are posted up now and the next two will be posted on Monday around this same time.

Since that is now completed I will be focusing on writing the rewritten version of The Perfect Mistake. I had tried and tried again endlessly to write it in the past but was not happy with the chapters going forward. I now have chapters written that I like and have plans to begin posting late June to early July. So keep a look out for that! I really can't wait to finish that book up so that I can move onto, Catch's, Quinn's, Knox's and Kohl's stories. I have these visions in my head for how I want them to be so here's to hoping that when I finally do begin to write them I can execute it to meet my vision.

Anyhow thank you for taking the time to read this.

I hope you all have an amazing day or night!

Oh quick question for any writers out there does having beta readers make you write better and/or faster? I'm just wondering if maybe it helps keep you on track with the progress of the story or not I guess.

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