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👑 Not an attack on religion.

The only intention for this book is to reveal an orgy I once saw when I was a teenager at a church I, afterwards, turned my back on.

The day I gave up on organized religion. I believe in God and I believe Jesus died for my sins and the sins of man.

And just because I don't tote a Bible and polish the cover every five seconds don't mean I'm going to hell.

Ask yourself are you going there with me...

👑 No to Racism. This is a book about everyday people we hear about on the news or know in life. Maybe some stories are about things you never heard of.

I do not support racism and I love all people. I don't keep count how many friends from other cultures I have and I respect everyone's opinions.

"Niggah" words are throughout the book and I use it to show the environment in which the character was derived. If you don't like my using the word then go to hell because I am who I am and I will represent who I am.

I will say the word until I deem it unworthy, not when you want me to.

ARE YOU FREAKY DEAKY Book 1  (Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now