4. Roll Call IV

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In came Sloppy Pussy.

The Facilitator wanted to fall over and die. Who let the dogs out? “This is crazy,” he said, looking over her wrinkled business suit.

She weighed 100 pound soak and wet. Looked stale and pale. “Damn, bitch, do you eat? Alley McBeal weigh more than you do. And your hair…shit, what hair? Can you say Grace Jones, Conan the

She was offended but she let it roll off her shoulder. She was used to being dissed. “Don’t hate on me. I don’t know about this.”

The Facilitator was laughing inside. “Then take your buck toothed ass home.”

She looked like a zombie. “Dang, why you gotta be so mean?” Her feelings were deeply hurt. “Because I think of football every time you smile.”

She was confused. “Huh?”

He gave her a content look. “You know.”

He made a field goal sign with his arms.

“It’s good!"

She flipped the bird, scratching her pussy something terrible. She looked uncomfortable.

“Damn, I can’t stop scratching. I knew I should have stuck with Summer’s Eve.”

He laughed so hard he chocked.

She said, “Ah, whatever. Can I enter?”

He leaned into her face. “No.”

She was desperate. “Please!”

“Sorry. Your pussy is too sloppy. Don’t meet the criteria. And you sent the wrong picture over the net. I’m looking at your entry now. This is actually Janet Jackson with short hair with a hat shielding her face. How could I have been so blind? Please leave amicably. I do work for the police department, and I am the sergeant.”

She left, pissed and disgruntled.

“I didn’t want to come anyway,” she said.



n came Married with Children.

Her sexy self brought her husband.

The Facilitator asked, “And your name, sir?”

“Suck Some Pussy,” he said, evilly eying his wife.

“You and your wife may enter. Remember, follow the rules.”

He shook the Facilitator’s hand, hugging his wife, going down the hallway.

Smiling to himself, not knowing he had syphilis and was HIV positive. After all, he’d been ignoring the signs for three months...

Towards the double doors they headed.

“When we get in there,” he was telling his wife, with an attitude. “You don’t know me and I don’t know you. We’re happily married, but this is our chance to fuck new people and new faces, then we go back to our boring lives.”

She didn’t seem interested.


He snapped at her like a fish. “I’m deadly serious!”

She wasn’t having it. “Man, who are you supposed to be with that trashy dick you got?” she asked, playing his game.

He opened the double doors.

“My point exactly.”

“Whatever, man.”

“Bitch shut up and let’s go have some fun.”

“My name isn’t Samantha Fox. I don’t move my body all night long.”

“Oh my God I didn’t come here to argue!”

“Then why won’t you shut the hell up?”

He wanted to slap the shit out of her.

“Because I have to go home to you and Lord knows I wish I could leave your dumb ass in this church.”

“The feeling is mutual, Creep!”

“Blah blah blah. To the left, to the left,

“Go to hell. With your little dick.”

And I’m fucking raw, no condoms…

ARE YOU FREAKY DEAKY Book 1  (Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now