18. Broken Wings

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He went on. “Faces and names will remain anonymous. What adheres in this place will remain a mystery. You will not speak of the events in here outside these doors. The lives you will
destroy are unconscionable.”

“Yes, Sir!” I saluted him. Sucking my teeth.

He wasn’t fazed.

“What is your real name?” he asked.
He’s breaking his own damn rules.

“Doesn’t matter, now does it?” I asked
annoyingly and he got the point.

Feeling ill at ease, I put on the Golden
Mask. I had my hair in a tight Chinese bun. I had snap-and-you’ll-miss it length hair anyways.

I normally wore a wig. I had on a Shirley Temple wig last night. I
felt freaky. I was about to fuck in church. I knew this was wrong, but half the church were having sex with each other so why not?

I lived once. So I was going to enjoy my life.

After all, I was dying of cancer!

I had to undergo Chemo in a few weeks, so I might as well die in style because I was refusing to take it. I hated doctors! I never told my mother and I didn’t tell a soul.

When I found out three months ago I had cancer its like I ceased to stop

I recreated in my mind everything I’d done wrong and then realized God was about to bring me home, to judge me. I was going to hell anyways so why not speed up the process.

I was going to burn in hell for eternity. So I might as well start dancing in the flames with this secret orgy.

The both of us stared at the doors in pure shock when some man yelled,

“Bitch! You got shit all over my dick!”

“So what. You aren’t touching my pussy!” a lady screamed at the top of her lungs.

“You coulda cleaned your booty! I should fuck you up!”

“Shut up!” she stammered miserably. “Let’s just say you get your dinner early. Lasagna and shrimp pasta with a side of brown rice!”

We couldn’t help but laugh, this was too funny.

Mr. Golden Mask kissed my cheek.

“Proceed past the other set of double doors. Remember the rules. What goes on in here stays in here.”

What is this, elementary school? I’m grown! I know the rules!

“I got you.”

“Marriages could be destroyed.”

Ok, damn it you’re pissing me off! “I got you, pimp.”

Before I could turn around he pulled me into his manly embrace and took my pussy into his hand like a baby bird with broken wings.

ARE YOU FREAKY DEAKY Book 1  (Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now