14. Special Invite Only

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“Time for Sunday School,” I said, trying my best to forget last night. I had a feeling this would be one Sunday School I’d never forget.

“Ain’t that right,” I whispered to my coochie before I had entered the double glass doors. I had feelings of unease. When I entered the building, the strong smell of Pine-Sol and Comet knocked me speechless.

“Well, somebody over did it with the

I had a very messed-up look on my lightly made-up face. A little lip gloss made my dick-sucking lips fuller.

Breath mints I sucked on, because I had forgotten to brush my teeth and I
still had nut on my breath. It didn’t smell bad.

I had perfect teeth and no damn gingivitis. So that was a good thing.

“Why look at you. Tell a Niggah what’s
good with you, sexy red.”

“Brother Lloyd Troy. Nice to see you. I
guess you’re the emcee today."

The Facilitator said, “Time for Roll Call.”

I paused in front of the podium out in the empty Main Lobby. A few pictures of the Whorish pastor were on the wall. Over on the huge billboard were about thirty 3x5 color photos of the Church Trip to Atlanta a few months ago. Yea
I went.

And I popped my pussy up there, too.

Hey. You know how I do!

“It’s always a pleasure to see you. You’re looking rather, tempting.”

“I could say the same thing about you. I love the suit. What do you have on underneath?”

“I’m free balling, you know that. You know it’s about to go down.”

“All right Young Joc. You know you’re only twenty-one, you don’t know shit about going down now do you?”

“Aw, the assumptions begin. Don’t say my age too loud. I told some off-brand bitch I was the police sergeant when I’m not even a cop! You know how we do! Aren’t we being a bit presumptuous, Sister Jackson?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Careful, we can’t get freaky in the Main Lobby.”

My eyes sparkled. “Oh, yea. Forgot about that. I got four glasses of Remy tearing me up, I’m horny as hell, my nipples are hard, my pussy is wet
and I’m ready to pop, pop, pop, get it, get it, so what’s up, where do I go?”

“Down the hallway, the double doors past the Preacher’s chambers. You’re the last arrival. But don’t be too loud out here. They’re having communion inside.”

“Thank you. And I don’t care about fakebread and that stale tasting wine. Plus your Daddy is a Ho. He has your Mama fooled.”

“That’s his problem. The man taught me everything I know.”

Dressed to kill in my best Sunday outfit I started down the hallway.

Until his voice stopped me. “Whoa! Wait, hold up. Come back here Sister Jackson. I don’t see your name on the list.”

I wonder why? Disgruntled, I went back over to Brother Lloyd, who looked me up and down.

He was definitely the Preacher’s son, the one holding the Special Event in the church I heard Hallelujah’s and Amen’s bursting from the closed doors to the main assembly.

They didn’t have a clue what was about to go down in the back of the church.
Mama always said the biggest freaks were inthe church.

And the Special Invite Only event proved it...

ARE YOU FREAKY DEAKY Book 1  (Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now