8. Pastor Troy Darling

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Inside the double doors of the Main assembly, Pastor Troy Darling delivered a powerful sermon.

The Usher, Ronald, pulled the hundred dollar bill from his pocket and put it in the collection plate before it was to be sent to the other members.

He smiled to himself. He had a pocket full of cash and he never dipped into his own funds to give to the Lord.

Everything he has ever given came from the whores at the strip clubs. And he wondered why God blessed the strippers with nice cars and houses and he still lived in his mother’s basement, had to pay child support for five kids (which weren’t his, but his so-called Baby Mothers wouldn’t tell him that because of their love of the cash) and was in early stages of colon cancer and didn’t have the slightest clue.

Ronald eyed Pastor Troy Darling, who had charm and was poised to lead the organization into the rest of the year with style and decorum.

He was clad in a purple suit and suede shoes. People loved him instantly. He had the type of voice one instantly identified with.

“God is the rock. He is the way.” Sweat
poured down his face. He used a wet
handkerchief to wipe himself. His wife, Sister Darling, sat behind him on a high backed chair, fanning herself, sipping water. Her keen eyes surveyed the church.

“My son, who could not make it today, is the rock in his girlfriend’s life. He understands that you can’t have sex until marriage. He understands
that his girl has to be in the Word. The Word being the Word of God! He doesn’t participate in the game of sinful flesh. He doesn’t lock himself in a room and masturbate. No sir! He studies the
Word of God!”

All sorts of hats bobbed in the sea of
people, women dressed nicely and young and old men looking good. Sister Darling was pleased. “Without God there is no rock. No life. No air to breathe. You see, many people sin but those very same people don’t repent.”

“Speak Pastor!”


A few dedicated church members jumped off the pews and begin to clap, cry out to God and chant.

They publicly disclosed their embarrassing sins before the organization, asking for prayers and for help.

A big two hundred forty pound woman dressed like Halle Berry was her mother was clapping and tossing off her pumps.

She was shaking her hands in the air and her eyes on “…De Lawd!”

Pastor Troy Darling noticed some familiar faces; faces that never missed a Sunday were missing from church today. He began to worry.

He made a mental note to call the missing members and see why they missed church.

Attendance played a big part in the growth of God’s Word.

And that was $300 he couldn’t get today. He was a bit unnerved.

Pastor Troy Darling snapped at the Ushers.

That meant a very important part of service was about to ensue...

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