Teacher's Pet

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"Yes please." Eleonora looked down and walked over to the chair she usually occupied during their lessons. She still didn't quite trust her teacher and felt that she was just one misstep away from being in deep trouble. The poor girl didn't realise that her teacher's intentions weren't at all to set her up, quite the contrary. Mina found Eleonora to be delightfully different from the rest of her grade, not as boisterous and obnoxious, soft-spoken and poised. Almost like a fairy that had landed in Hogwarts by accident. She wanted to support this girl, who was so obviously struggling with the adjustment to her school. Yet, Minerva couldn't quite put a finger on why Eleonora seemed to be walking on eggshells.
"Here's your tea, just the way you like it, no milk, one sugar and a splash of Lemon." Mina set down the cup in front of her and Eleonora looked up for the first time that day. Her eyes were red and puffy, she had obviously been crying.
"Oh dear, what's the matter?" Mina asked as gently as she could. She wasn't exactly good at communicating her own feelings, but she'd be damned if she couldn't be there for one of her favourites.
"It's nothing, Professor." But her voice implied that there was actually a lot.
"Miss Wentwood, as your teacher I have a duty of care. And more importantly, I don't just care because it's my duty, but because I want you to thrive." Eleonora shrugged. No grown up had ever really cared about the way she felt and she still didn't entirely trust her. But everything had built up inside of her, she couldn't keep it in amy longer. Somebody had to know.
"I'm a failure, Professor. I am not supposed to be here. I am not good at magic. And I don't belong in Gryffindor either, I'm not brave, I'm scared of everything, scared of my own father, scared of never being good enough. I can't even do transfiguration and for some reason you put me on this probation thing where I have to come once a week. I know I'm not good at transfiguration but I'm not the worst and..."
"Let me stop you right here, you're getting very upset." Mina handed her a tissue. She was a little shocked that Eleonora perceived their little afternoon get togethers as a form of punishment and Minerva couldn't help but wonder how other adults in her life treated her. Eleonora wiped her eyes.
"Miss Wentwood. Eleonora, if I may call you that..." The girl nodded quietly. "I don't hold these meetings because you are on probation or anything. It's not because I don't think you are not capable, quite the opposite. It's because I care about you and I see potential in you. I feel that maybe you are a little overwhelmed and I want to support you. I want you to succeed. That's why. If this is making you uncomfortable, then you don't have to come, of course not. But if you ever need someone to help you, I am here for you, and I care." Mina gave the girl her warmest smile but Eleonora kept quietly crying into her tissue.
"No-Nobody ever said that they believe in me or care about me." She whispered. "Do you really...?"
"Yes of course. You're a lovely girl." Mina handed her another tissue and Eleonora slowly calmed down.
"Thank you, Professor. It's just... I'm not used to this. I want to succeed, I just don't know how." She took a sip of her tea. Mina felt incredibly sad that Eleonora had never had someone believe in her, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel that she had finally managed to gain her trust.
"That's what I'm here for, my dear. We can work on your magic in here, and I also know some year sevens from back when I was a student. If you like, I could ask them to help you find your feet. A little like big sisters, how would you like that?"
"I never had a sister, but I think it could be nice. At home..." she apruptly stopped and took a sip from her cup. "Nevermind." This alerted Mina, but she didn't want to pry, she knew that it needed time and patience to make Eleonora open up.
"That's okay. I'm very sorry that this felt like a punishment to you."
"It's all I know." Another pointed remark that Minerva ignored for the time being. The rest of their hour together turned out to be nice, Eleonora had perfected that weeks transfiguration and Minerva showered her with praise. Once she had seen Eleonora off at the door, she sent an owl to two of the girls she had tutored back in her day, and Louise and Evelyn agreed to look after Eleonora. In fact, by the time she reached the common room, they were already waiting for her.

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