Yule Ball

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When Mina woke up the next morning she needed some time to figure out where she was. Only when she saw Albus sleeping next to her, she remembered and smiled. It was Saturday and still dark outside, so she assumed it was early morning. There was nothing to do for her until noon when it was her turn to patrol the halls and supervise the students, so she leaned back. Albus was exhausted and didn't wake, so Mina had time to just look at him.
He was very handsome, not in a conventional way, but he was the kind of person you saw once and never forgot. And he was all hers. She'd be lying if she claimed that this didn't fill her with an immense amount of satisfaction. She couldn't wait for the Yule Ball, even though she knew that she couldn't keep him for herself all night. Still she'd dress up nicely and wear the pretty bracelet he'd given her and they would hopefully have more than one opportunity to dance.
When Albus finally stirred, she bent over him and gave him a kiss. She wanted to be the first thing he saw.

"Am I dreaming?" He whispered when he opened his eyes, then he yawned.
"Last time I checked, I was quite real." Minerva assured him. Albus pulled her closer and pinched her, which made her squeal.
"You do feel quite real, pretty one." He gave her a cheeky grin which made Mina blush and she guided his hands all over her body.
"See? It's all real." She whispered.
"Minerva, dear, I shouldn't be touching you like that." He murmured but he sounded pleased. "And you shouldn't be in my bed either, looking so pretty and irresistible, so what am I going to do?" His hands were still busy exploring her body and Mina tried to give him some directions.
"You seem to like it?"
"I do." She whispered.
"So what..." He kissed her. "Am I going..." Another kiss. "To do to you..." He smirked.
"Do you think it's inappropriate for me to enjoy this?" She asked quietly.
"Not at all, my dear, but if this is already enjoyable, I'm not sure if I should continue... You get overwhelmed so easily and that might upset you. I hate seeing you upset." There was nothing Albus liked as much as he liked teasing her.
"Stopping would upset me even more." She replied quickly and gave him another kiss.
"Alright, pretty one, your wish is my command."
The rest of the morning flew by, and Mina had never been with someone who cared so much about her, who wanted to make sure she was enjoying herself the way Albus did. It was wonderful. At some point they were just lying next to each other, Albus played with Minerva's hair.

Albus, dear, I wish we could stay like this all day but..."
"But? What is it? What's keeping you away from me, kitten?"
"My schedule I have patrol later, I'll have to go, there is no way I can just skip that."
"Of course, my love." Albus was gentle, afraid of breaking her. She had said she loved him and this changed things. He wanted his love to be with him always, he wanted to make sure she felt loved and cherished. It was as if she could hear his thoughts.
"You'd never be rough with me or hit me, right?"
"I would never, my love. That is not the kind of person I am. I want you to be safe." Minerva sighed and he laughed. "Minerva, darling, you really are in love with me, huh?"
"Can't help it. My head says I'm rushing it but my heart says it's not fast enough." He smiled warmly.
"We have time, princess, we have all the time we need." Albus wasn't wrong often but unfortunately, this time he was.

Later, while Minerva went about her day, Albus started to prepare something for their date. He built a little igloo on the platform of the astronomy tower with blankets and pillows and he put a spell on the roof so they could see the stars. He knew that the night sky fascinated her and star gazing seemed incredibly romantic to him. And for her, he could certainly be romantic.

Meanwhile, Mina was watching over a study session when Eleonora Wentwood approached her.
"Professor, do you have a minute?" She asked shyly.
"Always, dear, what's the matter." Minerva was happy that she felt comfortable enough to approach her.
"I... I am having a hard time today because the anniversary of... My mum's passing is coming up and I just... I don't even know why I'm telling you, you just seem to be very understanding and you said..." She looked away. The day affected her, but maybe her father and stepmother were right. Maybe she should get over it. But to Eleonora's surprise, her teacher seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say.
"Well, when is the anniversary?"
"Tomorrow. I'm dreading it. I can't remember anything, but it's never a good day. At home we never really acknowledged the day, but it still hurts so bad."
"I understand. How would you like to come to my office in the afternoon? Have a cup of tea? I could assist with your homework." Mina couldn't imagine how hard losing a parent at such a young age had to be. Especially when the other parent seemed to be lacking.
"I'd like that very much. Thank you, professor." She briefly touched Mina's hand and then went back to her books. Poor thing.

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