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"Well what are you looking for maybe I could help you" he said with a soft smile.

" I'm looking for the office" I said

"oh well in that case follow me" he said.

Miguel then showed me where the office is and I grabbed my schedule.

" umm do you know where locker 203 is" I asked Miguel.

"Yeah it's on the second floor, let me take you" he said

when we got there I put all my stuff that I didn't need in my locker.

"Let me look at your schedule" Miguel said.

I handed him my schedule while looking around.

"Well we have 4 classes together" he said smiling.

" that's awesome" I said.

'Way to go y/n now he thinks your dry' I said to my self.

"We have PE, algebra, history and Spanish" he said.

"Well your first class is chemistry let me take you there" he told me.

He took me to my class just in time before the bell rang.

"I will be waiting here at the door to take you to your next class, my class is just two rooms away" and with that he left.

First hour was pretty boring nothing special I sat by a girl she was really cool her name was Aisha.

As I gather my stuff I see Miguel standing at the door.

I got up and walked to him.

"Next class you have is PreCalculus, I will have to leave you there early because my next class is all the way across school so I won't be able to take you to your next class. English is just to the left and when you see the girls bathroom go to the right side of the wall and the second door is your class" he said in a mouthful.

And with that he left to his class.

"thanks" I shout and he gives me a thumbs up as he runs to his next class.

The bell rang and I got inside looking for an empty seat. The only available seat was with this guy with a really big red Mohawk. He's eyes met mine probably because he felt me staring at him.

'Great now he probably thinks I'm a creep' I said to myself.

I looked down as I headed to the seat.

" is this seat taken" I said with a smile.

"no" he said not even looking at me.

I sat down to his right, I then grabbed my notebook out and tried looking for my pencil and then remember I left it in chemistry class.

"Shit" I said quietly. And I don't even have my bag of pencils with me they're at my locker.

I turned around to face the guy in the Mohawk.

"hey could I umm borrow a pencil please" I said.

He then turned to look at me and said "don't you have pencils" in a annoyed tone.

"No I left my pencil in chemistry and the rest are at my locker" I said

"here just take mine now leave me alone" he said still annoyed.

I don't know what I said to piss him off.

"Thanks" I said in a low voice and I just rolled my eyes and took it.

Hawks POV
"Thanks" she said quietly.

I would normally tried to seduce her but Moon just broke up with me 15 minutes ago. So that's why I'm acting like a bitch.

I never seen her around the school so I'm assuming she's new. I have been in here for two years so she's definitely new to town. She's pretty hot. she has long wavy brown hair and a really nice body.

She got a text message and I could see her smile, god she has a beautiful smile with straight perfect teeth.

I stoped looking at her because I don't want her to think I'm a creep.

Class was over but before I left I gave the kid next to me he's pencil back.

"Here, thanks" I said.

"What's your name princess?" He said with a smirk.

'Shit y/n why are you blushing' I said to myself. I looked down at my desk so my hair would cover my face.

"I'm y/n and your name?" I said looking up knowing that my face calmed down. He had a smirk on his face I hope that he didn't see me blush.

"I'm hawk"he said.

I got my backpack from the floor when I feel someone get close to the left side of my body

"see you around princess" hawk whisper in my ear. I could here a small laugh come out of his mouth. I turn red again why am I blushing so much.

I know another shitty chapter but just bare with me:)

Word count: 800

Hawk- Cobra Kai😏Where stories live. Discover now