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I finally got home. I looked at the drive way and didn't see Sebastians car so he might still be at practice.

I unlocked the main door and got inside and then locked it. I put my skateboard on the side of the door, took of my shoes and put them in the mat.

I walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed some cereal and milk and ate it at the kitchen island. I scrolled through tiktok when I got a notification that someone followed me on Instagram.

I see that's it's Miguel I decide to follow him back.

I finally finished eating my cereal I got up and headed towards the sink and washed my plate.

I walked to the other side of the house to go the living room.

The house is so quiet I hate it. It's big but so empty I probably should unpack some stuff because I have nothing else to do.

My dad doesn't really have time to unpack some stuff since he's always busy. As I was unpacking I heard the door open.

I walked to the door and I see my dad with my sensei.

"Sensei?" I said

"Chihuahua?" He said. I rolled my eyes at the name he called me.

"That's why you looked familiar you're Max's daughter" he said

My dad looked confused. I could tell they both got drunk. It's only 6 In the afternoon and they're already drunk, well at least my dad won't work tomorrow since he's probably gonna have a hangover.

"Y/n this is Johnny, my best man I don't think you remember him because when you met him you were like 3 or younger" he said

"So you're the guy in the family albums" I say

"Yeah that's me the one and only Johnny" he said with a wide smile.

I let out a little laugh at his smile.

"God y/n I haven't seen you in a long time come and give me a hug" Johnny said . We hugged each other.

"Did I hear right or is it the alcohol that made me hear stuff but did you just called y/n chihuahua" my dad said laughing

"Yeah she's like a little chihuahua, little and aggressive" he said laughing.

"Nice house you got here max" Johnny said admiring our house.

I feel a buzz on my left butt cheek. oh it's my phone meaning I got a text message. I grab my phone and see it's a text from Miguel

Miguel:) - so did you think about it?
Me- yeah and I'm not going
Miguel:) - come on live a little chihuahua
Me- Dont call me that it's embarrassing😭 and fine I'm gonna go just in case one of you idiots gets drunk
Miguel:) - there's the spirt do you need a ride?
Me- no my brother can give me a ride
Miguel:) - well I'm just gonna send you the address see you:))
Miguel:) - by the way it's starts at 7

After that he sent me the address. I put my phone on my pocket and as I was gonna walk up the stairs I hear the front door open I turn around and see my brother.

I walked over him and say "hey there is this party that one of my classmate is throwing can you umm give me a ride?"

"Good afternoon to you too little sis, and is their gonna be alcohol?" He said

"duh it's a party" I said

"but I'm not gonna drink I promise" I added.

"Fine but just be careful there's horny drunk guys that might want to get in your pants so don't let them" he said as he walked over to the kitchen.

I followed after him.

"Yeah I know if they try I'm gonna beat their ass so don't worry I got it under control" I said.

"Take your paper spray with you just in case and if you need anything and I mean anything call me understood" he said.

Sebastian has been overprotective of me since he got sent away, don't get me wrong I like that he cares it's just that with he's over protectiveness made my love live impossible he threatened every guy until now.

"I will, dad" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Sebastian laughed while walking upstairs to his room

I know it sucked but just hang on:)

Word count: 731

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