1. Hello Lexi

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Dear Lexi,

I learned about you today. I don't even know your name, your mother is determined to keep it a secret and I am fine with that. But I'm not going to call you "the girl" or "Mary Lou" like your mom's coworkers and parents do. I wanted a name for you all from me. And my sister.

I can't wait to meet you!! Your mom has been so influential in my life.

I don't know you yet. But, one day I will, until then little Lexi I want to share something with you.

Your mother is one of the best people I know. She is kind and strong. She will teach you and love you like she is meant to. She will show you the love of God like only she know how. Sometimes she will lose her way or stray, but I'm sure when she looks back and sees the little girl looking up to her she will know where to go.

Your father is a generous kind of man. He is going to love and protect you in the way that he ought. He will show you the path set up for you by God and will help you follow it. He is the man you will look up to most of your life and he will be a good role model.

There are so many stories I could write about them for you Lexi. So many memories I have from these last three years.

Would you believe that I remember your father before I knew your mom. He was part of the youth group, a leader and a singer. Only, I was afraid to go talk to him. Lexi, I am a scaredy cat. I knew how your father is and even now I don't talk to him much.

Your mother in the other hand. All of the girls in youth group love her. This year she became our leader, the last four years we have had different leaders. First, Carson and next Armstrong. Then it was Gavin and Bob. But now, it's your mom. I was so happy when I heard.

Your mom is an amazing person. I know that with her guidance and love you will be amazing too.

           With Love, 

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