7. Caring

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Dear Lexi,

Do you know how stressful the end of the school year starts to get as you grow up? Stressful is an understatement for us high schoolers. Our grades count so much now. And it has me worried.

Now I've seen people say, "You shouldn't worry because, it shows that you don't trust God's plan."
I'm not so sure about that. I understand the basic philosophy, and anyone who can control their worry and fear, I respect. I trust God's judgement because I know I can't do it on my own.

But I don't think God wants me to do nothing. He wants me to study and try my hardest, and the through him, I will do well, as he helps me remember and apply my knowledge.
You have to do what God is asking you to do. God knows what's in your heart.

And then there is Gossip that has been prevailing in my life right now. But those are stories for another time.
Truth be told, my life has been hectic lately. So much to do and so little time.

Hey Lexi, guess what? You should be born soon. I'm in the mountains with family, but your mom promised to keep me updated.
I have more news too. My aunt is pregnant with a baby girl. Maybe this story will be for her too. What do you say Lexi?

Let's make this story for all my baby girls. You, Olivia, and the new baby, let's call her Kirstin. I can't wait to meet you Lexi (and Kirstin).

Here's today's message: care. Care about your family. And your school work. Care about your friends and their new families. Because of you care, then someone will care about you.

With love,

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