Joyce. Wait..joyce?

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Hi guys sorry it too. So long I did start this quite a while ago and I thought I finished it and published it but I clearly didn't so sorry about that but anyway here it is also I have a really bad mental block right now so if you have any ideas or suggestions please tell me.

"Wait what do you mean Joyce was nowhere to be seen" " sorry chief we will keep on looking though" with that the two girls walked into the house and at wills side Immediately will had now lost his girlfriend and his mum and what other thing would that result in other than a panic attack hopper was trying to calm will down but was failing miserably in doing so as he had just lost his daughter and Joyce to a abuser . Once will had calmed down hopper waisted no time going to get his coat and get out the door only to be stopped by Mike " hopper look we can't go out no clearly Joyce has gone missing to and if we go god knows what will happen to us go it's safe when it's not dark so just get some sleep" "no no I'm not doing that my daughter is missing for and stuck in a house with a abuser and god knows what will happen to her so no I'm going to find my Daughter" "oh come on hop you weren't like this when eleven went missing" everyone looked at el with a sympathetic look apart from hopper " because Mike Luna is my biological daughter and I don't want that to hurt your feelings el it's just she..she's my child and she's the only biological one I have left" "it's ok I get it I can fight to" el responded it was true she did understand and she knew why hopper was acting this way his daughter was stuck with a abuser and from what el saw it wasn't pretty. Meanwhile at the cabin in the middles of the woods Joyce was thrown in the dark room with just one mattress and a thin blue blanket but something was under the blanket a small fragile body "Luna" it came out as a unintended whisper the body shot up scaring Joyce for a split second "j-Joyce?" "Yeah it me kiddo don't worry" Joyce made her way over to Luna as she came closer she internally flinched Luna had bruises and cuts all over her. The girl quickly hugged Joyce crying "it's ok your dad will come save us" the two hugged until Luna fell asleep Joyce tucked her in what Luna called a bed and placed the blanket over her as Joyce's settled on the floor she could only hope that the encouraging words she had stated before would be true .hopper would come even if he only got Luna out of this place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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