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"Y-your" "like eleven I know" "ye-wait how do you know eleven when hop introduced us he called eleven jane" "well yes but I recognise her from when I was in the lab but she doesn't recognise me because she never saw me but I saw her" "ok we have to tell hopper" "no no way he'll freak out" "please baby I don't want you getting hurt" "ok" will and Luna or as will now knows as 005 walked into the living room Joyce and hopper looked up from the tv "hey kiddos ya ok" "yes I need to tell you all something i have already told will but I thunk you will all want to know to you might wanna call everyone" "ok I'll give them a call" "are you ok sweetie" "y-yes" Luna was already getting chocked up by the subject. Once everyone had arrived they all sat down as Luna began to explain "so when dad left me with mum she didn't want me so she sent me off to a place called "the lab" where elevens from I know her because I saw here but she never saw me anyway I got labelled 005" Luna then pulled up her sleeve revealing the number 005 and everyone gasped "after testing on me papa then labelled me again" Luna then turned around and pulled up her hair revealing the words property of dr Brenner (papa) "then I met my mums bf there Alex but i didn't know he was my mums bf at the time anyway he was awful he got to test on me a lot of the time meaning he made it way more painful than anyone else's" by this time Luna was crying and will wiped her tears away "my mum came to collect me from "the lab" to take me home because she knew dad might visit anyway then when I got home I realised that the person doing tests on me was my mums bf that's when the abuse started and then I called you dad and boom I am here any questions" "wait if your from the lab do you have superpowers like eleven" will slapped Dustin a hand "dude my gf just told you that she's been abused her whole like and you ask if she has superpowers" "actually I do I have the same as el but I also have fire ice and I can communicate with people through their heads and yes will those visions that will had it was me I was trying to get in contact so I could talk to my dad cause they wouldn't let me have a phone" "OMG" "what dustin are you ok" asked a now very concerned Lucas "will said that Luna was his gf OMG" "ok rule one boy look after her rule two don't brake her heart rule three" "DAD" "HOPPER" right sorry" "wait but why do you have a label on your neck to" "oh yeah it's because I was apparently papa favourite cause I had so many powers max" "oh ok" "well at least your home now I have my daughter home" hopper said but whispering the last part "can we take her to the mall hop please we were all just about to go before the call" "umm I'm not to sure on that one" "please dad" Luna said giving him puppy dog eyes "no" "but your letting el go" "fine but be back soon ok" "ok love you dad" Luna shouted while walking out the door with her friends "god these kids gunna be the death of me with all those powers" "darn right hop especially when the moods start and tantrums start oh and periods" "oh no your having then when periods come" "ok heat right hop" "hey ya at least gotta take Luna she's your sons gf" "ok ok but your keeping eleven" "fine" "aww is hopper in a sour mood now" "yes Joyce yes I am" hopper said with a little laugh

005 /will Byers x /hoppers lost daughter Where stories live. Discover now