The hospital

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As the party got to the hospital hopper carried his daughter into the reception "SHE NEED HELP PLEASE SOMONE HELP HER NOW" as hopper said that doctors and nurses looked over and immediately ran to her they took her to a room and told hopper,Joyce and the party to stay in the waiting room Joyce had rang Jonathan to tell him what happened even though he didn't know her she was still hoppers daughter so she was like family now since they classed hopper as family he then told Nancy as she was with him they also told Steve as they new he would be excited to meet another one of his adopted children anyway they all got there and saw hopper crying Joyce comforting him and the party sat looking as sad as ever "hey guys we're here" "oh h-hey Jonathan take it easy on hop he's distraught" "y-yea ok" "it was my fault Joyce" "no it wasn't hop" "oh yeah then who's was it" "your ex-wive and her boyfriend" "but I could have been there I knew it was a bad idea leaving her there Joyce I knew it and it's my fault that she has a knife in her arm it's my fault she's beaten up and it's my fault she got abused Joyce I don't know what to do anymore" "everything will be ok" "Jim hopper parent of Luna hopper/Richardson" "y-yes" "we need to talk" as they walked to a private room hopper began to become nervous "so umm Jim how long has she been In the care or miss Richardson" "all her life" "lies" the doctor muttered to himself "what" asked hopper "oh nothing just reading my clipboard" "ok" "ok and did you know about the abuse" "no" "ok so I know this may upset you but not to long ago she got raped by who we are assuming was her mums boyfriend" "n-no your lying please say your lying" "I am sorry but she can go home in about 1h you can all see her now if you want" hopper went back to the waiting room to get everyone and tell them what happened "g-guys" "omg hopper what happened why are you crying is Luna ok" "y-yes and no I just found out she can go home in a hour and we can go see her now b-but I also found out that the piece of crap raped my daughter Joyce h-he raped her" all people in the room where shocked at this no one there knew her but felt bad and they also classed her family as she was hoppers daughter on the 5hours they've knew her but will felt especially sad at this "we can go see her" they all went in and there she was "hey dad!" "Hey sweetie this is Joyce,will,Jonathan lucas,mike,ele-Jane,Dustin,nancy and Steve" hopper said as he gestured to each of them as he said their names "hi sweetie" "hey" "hi" "sup" everyone said hi then the doctor came in and said Luna could go home everyone had gone ahead and was already in the truck so hopper could help his daughter as she still needed help walking as he was helping her walk to the car he noticed that she was hiding her wrist as if something was in it he also noticed her doing this while in the hospital "what are you hiding" he whispered to himself

Do you like this chapter I personally like This story better than my other one but please let me know what you think as well thank you bye 👋also I know this story may be boring now but it will get better I promise also if you think her mum and her mums bf are out of the story think again ok bye now 👋

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