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Just to say this chapter may be a bit triggering more than other please do not read if you are triggered by the subjects in the description thank you
As Luna approached the house Dave pushed her down to the floor "get up slave" 'wait what' Luna thought "I SAID GET UP SLAVE" "y-yes" squealed a now petrified Luna "YES WHAT" "yes sir" "that's better" her mother smirked.
Back at Joyce's house hopper was freaking out and Joyce was trying to calm him and the kids were crying but one person was just stood doing nothing..............eleven "eleven sweetie you ok" spoke a caring Joyce eleven only spoke one word and that one word may be there only hope "void" hoppers face lit up "c-can you see where she is" obviously el couldn't SEE where she was but she could describe the act maybe or the house any clues. Eleven sat on the floor everyone gathered round el put the bandanna round her head
Elevens pov
As I got into the void I saw Luna she already had bruises on her face poor girl I thought then so called Dave pushed her over not letting her up "get up slave"wait what he surly wasn't going to kidnap a child then enslave her "I SAID GET UP SLAVE" I even flinched at that "yes" "YES WHAT" "y-yes sir" what the hell that mouth breather god I have to tell hooper this that's not gunna go well and will oh god I looked for clues but nothing Luna looked like she was concentrating on something like she was zoned out then the mouth breather had the audacity so call her 005 "oy 005 make dinner I want everything we have in" to which a scared Luna responded "y-yes sir" well apparently Luna isn't allowed to stutter because Dave started beating her I couldn't take anymore I ripped my blindfold off and was breathing heavily

Normal POV
"Did you see any clues" "no" "dam it well what did you see and hear cause you were in there a long time eleven explained everything the beating the having to call him sir and the calling Luna 005 hopper was distraught so was will god I feel bad thought eleven "dad we will get her back I promise" as eleven said that will had a unusual yet so familiar felling like someone was trying to contact him like when he had visions before he thought it might be Luna but wasn't sure since it felt unfamiliar at the same time he had obviously zoned out cause mikes voice snapped him back to reality "y-yeah dues I just feel weird like like someone's trying to" but before he could finish el finished for him "getting contact I saw what look like Luna trying to concentrate on something in the void" then everyone said the same thing at the same time
"Lucas trying to get help" after that will and el heard a agonising scream and both shouted "wow wow dude you ok" lucas and Dustin went to will with Joyce and mike went up el with hop "babe you ok" el and will looked ya each other
"Lunas hurt.............badly"

Sorry it took so long to post I was busy and my dad got COVID so sorry it took so long if you have any requests please put them below and I will certainly put it In no matter what it is also in one of the next chapters there will be ⚠️self harm ⚠️I just thought I'd tell you I will also put in the description thank you

005 /will Byers x /hoppers lost daughter Where stories live. Discover now