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"WHAT" eleven flinched "a-sorry eleven w-what do you mean by lunas hurt ......... badly" "hopper we heard a scream a scream one that like when you get a knife plunged into you or you see someone murder a relative" "I-I'm gunna kill the son of a-." "HOPPER we will find her ok you call the police I will call anyone that I think can help boys you go out a put posters up girls you come. With me we're going looking" "ok Joyce when are we going" "NOW Lucas my gf is missing and I don't know where she is and I love her and I don't lose her again." "Whoa dude chill" "no dustin he's right I lost el once before it's awful so we're going now" "thanks mike" so they all went out hopper went to the station and told everyone he even rang police from other districts and gave a description of his daughter,they boys went and put posters up and gave some to there school and Joyce max and el went out in the car looking everyone had finished there tasks and were back home.....apart from 1 group ...the girls they had gotten lost while driving and were now in the middle of the woods with absolutely no idea where to go.
In the wood cabin
Soon after getting all the food out the cabinets and fridge Luna felt a sharp pain in the arm she slowly looked down she had been stabbed "it's nothing you can't take anyway you are taking to long with food you good for nothing idiotic lab rat now HURRY UP" "o-ok" to say Luna was scared was a understatement she was well used to it and that's the sad part except last time her dad was there to come get her she was warm and in her dads arms how she whisked that was wha was happening right now but it wasn't Luna had accepted that hopper wasn't coming will wasn't coming hooped wasn't gong to kick the door in any minute and save his daughter will wasn't going to hold her in his arms and whisper so forging things into her ear ....she was stuck and none was coming

In the car
Joyce heard sobbing coming from the cabin as in Luna's sobbing it had to be her but eleven and max were not safe in the middle of the woods but they were asleep so Joyce decided to go and see in the cabin holding that the 2 girls in the back of her car would stay peacefully sleeping and not get hurt.

Joyce's pov
After I hid the car away in a bush a went and knocked on the cabin door he answered " I know she's in their give her back before things get ugly" "ohh you mean 005 yeha ........no she's mine I have t even done any testing on her yet" " her name is Luna and you will not be doing such thing now GIVE HER" but as I shouted that everything went back

Hopper pov
Everyone was worried the girls hadn't come back yet we were all panting until we heard a knock at the door we all ran i Opened  it   Scared of what would be behind it
" hello" "hey hopper" "oh umm hi jack" jack is one of my partners "hey umm I found Jane and mix in the back of Joyce's car asleep so I brought them back but the weird thing was the car was parked in a bush but umm.............

There was no sign of Joyce anywhere

Hi guys I am really sorry it took me so long to publish this I have just been stressed lately but I hope you like it if you have any things you want in the story just leave a comment and I will put it in love you ❤️ 

005 /will Byers x /hoppers lost daughter Where stories live. Discover now