Chapter 4

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Niragi's POV:

"I've heard that Juno and Seung hyun got into a 10 of diamonds game...but someone else got it....we need that card" hatter announced as he scrunched his eyebrows in stress as the doors in the meeting room were barged open and the two aforementioned people walked in

"First of all it's Yuna honay. Second of all, a girl got it. A first timer to be exact" he said "And a very pretty one too" juno added, which caught hatters attention. "How did this girl look, exactly?" He asked as he turned around to face juno "About 170-171 in height. Black hair with an undertone of lilac or lavender...Nice purple eyes but i'm pretty sure they were contacts. Skin white as snow, thick thighs but fit waist"

"How did you know THAT info though?" Hatter asked juno "She was wearing fit active wear" Juno answered and hatter dismissed the two.

That girl sounds so damn pretty

Third Persons POV:

As hatter dismissed Juno and Yuna, he suddenly went in deep thought because he knew exactly who they were talking about.

"All of you, out. Aguni, stay" hatter said, as everyone obeyed and went out of the meeting room leaving the two leaders in the room in silence. "They were talking about kim's daughter, Aren't they?" Aguni spoke up as hatter sat down on his chair "It's Hayami for sure" Hatter replied as he took off his hat, placed it on the table, leaned back on the chair and  stared at it. "So, What are we gonna do?" Aguni asked without having any initial plan in his head. "Find her before Niragi does. You know how Hayami feels about him, and don't let Natsuki know of her arrival till she gets here" and with that Aguni stood up and left the room to start looking for Hayami in the morning. Hatter, who is now deep in thought, remembered how hayami walked in his store slowly like a zombie with tears and sweat covering her face.


Dirt was clearly relevant on her face as the girl was an albino and was wearing a white top. Aguni, who was visiting his long term friend Takeru saw the now ex sdf-militant he trained and asked "Why are you crying in here?" He asked but no response as Takeru came out of the back and saw Hayami, in pain. "Hayami? Why are you here child? I told you, tell your mom i can't host anymore, i have to take care of the sto-Wait why are you crying?" Takeru worried as Hayami walked to the back with Takeru signalling Aguni to follow him to the back. Takeru handed Hayami a bottle of water, wipes and his haircomb to which she used to clean herself up while calming herself down.

When she calmed down, she took a deep breathe and sighed it. "I got cheated on, By Niragi, I caught him getting his shirt unbuttoned by Natsuki" she explained which made Aguni looked down at her left hand to see that the ring he saw when she just boarded the ship, was no longer there. "I want to forget him, I want to change so he won't be able to recognize me I-" Hayami stammered with more tears going down her eyes as Takeru cuts her off "Listen, if you want that to happen. You can move to the apartment complex your mom owns. She just bought one near this store. Okay?" Hayami nodded and stood up and pampered her cheeks "That's it. I'll go do that now. Thank you." Hayami said and went out the shop with Aguni trailing behind her out of the stock room to try on some hats.

"That doesn't suit you" Takeru said grabbing one of the hats that was hanging on the wall ang giving is a blow with a dust. "Who knew Tokyos greatest nightclub host would end up being a Hatter" Aguni remarked as Takeru went up to the shops entrance and said "I really can't go against my own fathers dying wish" and laughed it off.

2 weeks ago was the last time Takeru has heard of Hayami. Until he got a text from Hayami later that day, Inviting him to dinner along with Aguni.

At the restaurant Aguni and Takeru arrived before Hayami. "What do you think she wanted to talk about?" Aguni asked Takeru "I don't know Aguni, She's a clever girl but very unpredictable" Takeru replied, when a girl beside him who had a Lilac undertone and black hair sat next to him "Surprise!" she said excited as Takeru asked her "Gracious where have you been and what have you done to yourself?" , "Oh, I moved to the new apartment building my mom owned. Sold my old things and got new things, even a new number!" She said in delight "No, i meant this whole get up...Is this how kids dress nowadays?" Hatter asked in confusion as Hayami left out a giggle "No, Haha, my mom allowed me to change my look. So i dyed everything even my eyelashes. See?" She said as the food arrived and she grabbed the utensils.

"When's your internship gonna start?" Aguni finally spoke which made Hayami swallow whatever she was eating "Next week. I'm actually getting a surgical internship!" She said in delight. Aguni didn't want to make things akward by asking about the ring and where it went so instead he asked about how about the family motif. No one in japan ever dares to copy the golden sakira motif "He's not gonna notice it anyways. Besides. Its in my inner left arm, Its less noticeable" she said and continued eating. After a couple hours they all left the restaurant.

7 months after that was when Takeru and Aguni got to Borderland.


"She's gonna be a tough one to find" Hatter sighed and went to his bedroom.

Hayami's POV:

I guess it's better if i should...Hide my identity I whispered to myself walking back to my apartment, If games are at night, then i have plenty of time to scavenger in the day.

When i got home, I packed all my clothes in the biggest duffle bag i had and fell asleep. In the morning, I grabbed all the water bottles in my fridge and all the food i could take, Ready to go to my Family's safe house.

As i stepped out my apartment i looked at the card on my hands this must be pretty rare and know for a fact people will be hunting me down for this.

💫Timeskip to an hour later💫

I finally arrived at my Familys safe house, and went up to my parents room since they aren't here anyways. And settled my things in the closet. Though by instinct, when i switched the lights in the bathroom on, it....turned on? Hold on 

I went to the power room of my house to see that we had 4 generators and one of them were on. So that meant anything that isn't connected to a powerline, Still works.

I ran upstairs to the radio in my parents room and took a disc, And it played? Hold the fuck up wow I took the toolbox that was in my parents closet and disassembled the radio, then disassembled my phone. To find out that anything without an IC chip, will work in this world. Though, this still doesn't explain what the fuck these so called 'Visa' that i recieved are. Just play another game tonight and ask someone.

Hatter's POV:

It was afternoon almost night when the militants arrived with new supplies. Aguni came in the door, sweating with half the militants trailing behind him "Any news?" I asked looking at all the militants one by one "I checked the apartment of the address you gave me, No one was there. Food and water are gone, Including her clothes" Aguni reported which gave me a headache i knew it was gonna lead to this "Check her old apartment, It's 20 minutes away from her old university. Get the generators in that apartment too. Raid University of Tokyo on your way and search the area after. Do it early in the morning" i ordered, knowing they need plenty of rest for tonight. Kuina came in the meeting room and said "We're waiting for your signal Hatter we're ready to play" she said as i nodded and went out of the meeting room.



But yes, please do comment on this sentence if the book is okay so far like.
Should i do longer chapters or shorter chapters and so much more suggestions would be nice ! Thank you again ! Ill upload when my schoolwork permits me!

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